Remain with our Crew

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Alice's POV

Elizabeth and I were put into new clothes. Her's fancier then mine. Sao Feng soon appears and the maids are dismissed. "By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove and you will be free. Calypso" he states looking at Elizabeth.

"Excuse me?" she asks confused.

"Not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have but it is what we call you" Sao Feng declares. "What are you called dear priestess?" he asks me.

"Alice" I say cool.

"We being who?" Elizabeth asks.

"Any who sails the sea" I tell her.

"You both confirm it" Sao Feng states looking at us.

"Confirm what?" Elizabeth asks. "You've told us nothing" she states.

"The Brethren Court, not I. The First Brethren Court, whose decision I would have opposed.
They bound you to human form and were going to kill your priestess. So the rule of the seas would belong to man and not..." he starts to explain.

"To me" Elizabeth finishes.

"But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are. Along with your priestess" Sao Feng tells her.

"Pretty speech from a captor. But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm" Elizabeth tells him. While I eye his piece of eight.

"Can I be blamed for my efforts?" Sao Feng asks her. "All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be" he states.

"And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes" I state.

"I offer simply my desire" Sao Feng states.

"And in return?" Elizabeth asks him.

"I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them" Sao Feng tells her.

"And if I should choose not?" Elizabeth asks him.

"Then I will take your fury" he states and kisses her. I pull him off of her and punch him.

"Stay away from her!" I snap glaring at him. Wishing I had my sword. Just then a cannon flies through the air hitting Sao Feng. He flies into the wall.

"Sao Feng" Elizabeth says shocked as we approach him slowly. He beckons us to come closer. We do so and kneel beside him. He offers me his piece of eight.

"With all nine pieces of eight you can free her" he tells me. "Take it" he says and I do so. "You are captain now" he says looking at Elizabeth.

"Me?" she asks shocked.

"Go in my place to Shipwreck Cove" he says. He pulls her in close as Tai Huang appears. Clutching his bleeding arm saying the ship is taken. "Forgive me, Calypso" he says and dies.

"What did he tell you?" Tai Huang asks.

"He made me captain" Elizabeth declares.

"And gave me his piece of eight" I add putting the necklace around my neck. He looks at us shocked and leaves the room. We follow and are restrained.

"You are not my captain" he snaps at Elizabeth.

"Watch you tone" I sneer.

"Alice, Elizabeth" a voice says. We turn to see James Norrington. Dressed as an admiral.

"James!" we exclaim and are released. Elizabeth hugs him. While I assess the situation. There's a mix of Navy soldiers and fish men restraining the crew.

"Thank God, you're alive. Your father will be overjoyed to know you're safe" James tells Elizabeth with a bright smile.

"My father is dead" Elizabeth tells him.

"No, that can't be true. He returned to England" James states.

"Did Lord Beckett tell you that?" we ask him. Just then Davy Jones appears.

"Who among you do you name as captain?" Jones demands.

"Captain, her" Tai Huang says pointing at Elizabeth. I roll my eyes. The rest of the crew point at her.

"Ok we get it, stop pointing" I snap and they lower their hands.

"Tow the ship. Put the prisoners in the brig. The captain and Alice shall have my quarters" James declares.

"Thanks for the offer James, but I'm a pirate" I remind him.

"Thank you, sir. But we prefer to remain with our crew" Elizabeth tells him. As I join the crew.

"Elizabeth. I swear. I did not know" James begs.

"Know what? Which side you chose?" she asks him. She backs up into us and leans on Tai Huang & I. "Now you know" she tells him. We're taken to the brig with our crew. Elizabeth makes Tai Huang her first mate.

"Be warned Tai Huang any attempt at mutiny while I'm around will end in your death" I warn him. He nods sheepishly. I lean against the wall with Elizabeth. Trying to come up with an escape plan. Sure it won't be as crazy as one of Jack's plans. But hopefully it'll work and we'll all survive to fight another day.


Picture above of Elizabeth and picture on the external link of Alice's new outfit.

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