Reunion with Friends

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Alice's POV

I've been locked in Barbossa's cabin while I was sleeping. Through the window, I can see that we've arrived at Isla Du Muerta. No doubt Elizabeth was there now with the pirates as they cut her hand. Thinking her blood will free them from the curse. I knew I had to get out of here before they realize she's the wrong person. But I can't leave her here if they keep her alive.

So taking a hidden dagger I pick the lock. Then grab the pistols Barbossa had given me. I sneak up onto the deck encase there were guards. But it appears I was left unguarded. Their mistake. I spot a lone row boat with two people inside row into the cave. Looking around I spot the dark solute of another ship.

Hoping they were friendly I lower a row boat and get in. I row over and they spot me. "Who goes there?" someone calls from the deck.

"Alice Teague, may I come aboard?" I ask.

"You're more then welcome" the same voice replies. Ropes were lowered and I tied them to opposite ends of the boat. Then climb the ladder as the boat is pulled from the water. Once on deck the whole crew surround me and I notice they're pirates.

"You wouldn't happen to know an Elizabeth Swann?" a man asks stepping forward.

"Yes she's practically my sister, are you here to help us? What's your name?" I ask him.

"We came to save Miss Swann, Jack and Will are there now" he states pointing to the cave. "My name is Joshamee Gibbs, but you can call me Gibbs" he adds.

"I know you" I say looking at him more carefully. "You were the sailor from eight years ago, that stopped Elizabeth and I from singing. Saying how it was bad luck to have miniature women on a ship" I state.

"Aye that be me and I still believe that" he says smirking.

"So are we just waiting for Will and Jack to return with Elizabeth?" I ask and he nods his head. "Great, then prepare to set sail. They should return soon, are we to keep to the code?" I ask and again he nods his head. I sigh running a hand through my hair. "As much as I would rather leave no one behind. I will keep to the code if that was Jack's wish" I say.

"It is" Gibbs says. Just then a woman whispers something in his ear and he nods his head. "Prepare to sail, they're returning" he orders. Shortly after Elizabeth boards the ship followed by Will. But no Jack. "Boy where be Jack?" Gibbs asks Will.

"He fell behind" Will replies.

"Come Elizabeth, lets tend to that hand" I say stepping through the crowd. "Great to see you again Will. You're welcome to join us" I tell him smiling and he smiles back. We head below deck and I grab the stuff needed to tend to Elizabeth's wounded hand. As I clean her hand they exchanged our stories. Will finally learning my true heritage and relation to Jack.

"Why did you come here?" Will asks me.

"As much as I long to be reunited with my family. Elizabeth is the closet thing I have to a sister. But once she is safe, I'll be leaving Port Royal" I explain. They nod their hands in understanding as Elizabeth changes the subject.

"What sort of man trades another life for a ship?" she asks.

"A pirate" Will and I reply in unison. I went to wrap her cleaned wound but Will beats me to it. Elizabeth then gave him back the pirate medallion, saying it was his.

"I thought I lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me" he says looking at it. "Why did you take it?" he asks.

"Because I was afraid you were a pirate, that would of been awful" Elizabeth states.

"Says the girl who's been friend with a pirate since before she met you" I grumble.

"It wasn't you're blood they needed" Will states. "It was my father's blood, my blood. The blood of a pirate" he says tightening his grip on the medallion.

"Will I'm so sorry, please forgive me" Elizabeth says. But Will cuts her off by slamming the medallion onto the table. She gets up and leaves.

"Will don't blame her, I took it eight years ago not her. She was only wearing it that day when Jack arrived in Port Royal. You should be upset with me, not her" I tell him before leaving.


Picture above of Alice's pistols.

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