The Devil Went Down to Night City

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(If this chapter gets reposted, it's because I may have had to change a certain picture within it)


We begin this chapter a couple days after the death of Maine, seeing Y/n as he drove Gloria from the hospital after finally being discharged. The two of them had come to a stop out front of the Mega Complex that Her and David both lived in. Once stopped, Gloria looked towards Y/n with a grateful smile 

Gloria: "Thank you for this, Y/n" 

Y/n: "No problem, Gloria. Any time" 

Gloria: "Would you like to come in?"

Y/n: "If you don't mind" 

Gloria: "If I did, I wouldn't have asked, would I?" 

Y/n: "Heh, I guess not, no" 

The two shared a small chuckle together before they both stepped out of the car and made their way up to the floor that Gloria and David's apartment was at. Entering said apartment, they were met with the sight of an empty apartment, no signs of David as Gloria spoke up 

Gloria: "David said that he and Lucy were... spending the day together"

Gloria was obviously still taking time to adjust to everything she's recently learned, with David's expulsion, getting chipped with the Sandy, David and Lucy Dating, to even the Deaths of Pilar and Maine. Seeing her unease, Y/n placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention as she looked into his eyes 

Y/n: "Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are with David and Lucy, but they seem like they really care for each other, something rare for someone like Lucy" 

Gloria: "I guess you're right. I just can't help but worry about him. With the crash, and everything that's happened after that. He's still my boy. I'm afraid something bad might happen to him one day and I'll never know about it" 

Gloria then hugged herself as she shivered at the thought, but soon she felt as Y/n wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug that she slowly accepted 

Y/n: "Don't worry, Gloria, I'll be sure to keep him safe, I'll make sure that he walks through that door every day. You can count on that" 

Gloria: "I know, I believe you will. But you better keep yourself safe, too. You've been there for us for so long. You're practically family" 

Y/n: "Surely you're just joking" 

Gloria: "I mean it, Y/n, I mean, David's accidentally called you dad before when talking to me" 

Y/n: "...He has?" 

Gloria: "Yes, but don't tell him I told you that, I swore I'd keep it a secret, you should have seen his face, it was all red with embarrassment" 

Gloria giggled to herself, her own face was a little bit red with embarrassment before she made her way towards the kitchen where she opened the fridge and pulled out two Nicolas, handing one to Y/n while she took a drink from her own one, the two sitting by the window overlooking Santo Domingo

Gloria: "I never did thank you for everything you did that day. You risked your life to keep me and David safe. You even purchased Trauma Coverage for the two of us. I just can't understand why" 

Y/n: "Is it wrong that I want to look out for those close to me?" 

Hearing this, Gloria's eyes widened a little as she then looked towards Y/n while he continued to look out the window 

Y/n: "You were one of the first friends I made here in Night City. When I first arrived, I didn't have much going for me, after everything I went through in Korea. I wanted to lead a better life, although that didn't turn out exactly well. But I'm glad I stayed, because if I came here, otherwise I never would have met you or the others. I hold you all close to my heart and I never want to lose another friend again, if I can help it" 

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