Back in the Ring

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(Been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield, lol)


We begin this chapter two weeks after the events of the previous one. After the events of the last chapter, Rebecca had noticeably become much more happier again, a much more genuine smile on her face whenever she was around Y/n. Although she would still act like her usual self, even sometimes turning it up a notch to try and get a rise out of Y/n 

Right now, we find ourselves with Y/n as he was sitting at a table within his apartment, his Malorian partially disassembled and sitting in front of him as he worked on replacing the pieces that were damaged on the night the Cyberpsycho attacked them and killed Pilar 

We watched as he replaced the barrel of the gun, and after double checking that there was no ammunition in the gun, he aimed it at the wall and pulled the trigger, performing a Dry Fire test. The click of the gun confirmed that it was in working order so far

Once he finished with the repairs, he then placed the gun on the table again and relaxed, only to receive a call from an unknown number. With a raised eyebrow, he answered the call and was met with a member of the Animals, the very same gang that was the cause of the crash that almost claimed his, David, and Gloria's lives. It was also the same gang that Dorio had been a former member of, only to return to them after Maine's death and the crew had unofficially disbanded

Animal: "Hey, uh... is this Y/n?" 

Y/n: "Who wants to know?" 

Animal: "The name's Rhino, I'm a friend of Dorio" 

Y/n: "Dorio? How is she?" 

Rhino: "She's a bit of a mess, but ain't we all?" 

Rhino laughed a little at her attempt of a joke, only for it to quickly die down afterwards, followed by her clearing her throat and speaking again 

Rhino: "Sorry, about that. To be honest, she's been down ever since she came back. Doesn't really speak that much and spends a lot of time either in the ring, or working out. Think you can come talk to her?"

Y/n: "Of course, where can I find her?"

Rhino: "She's here at the Tripple Extreme Gym at Santo Domingo, I'll send you the location" 

Y/n: "Thanks, now how did you get this number?" 

Rhino: "She gave it to us, said she'd only talk to you" 

Y/n: "Got it, I'll be right there, then" 

Rhino: "Great! I'll let her know" 

With that, the call ended as Y/n got up and left, dressed in his Trauma Team Jumpsuit as he entered the garage and made his way to his Javelina, finally getting it back from Kiwi. He then got in the car and drove all the way out to Santo Domingo's sub-district of Rancho Coronado, a self-sufficient town filled with identical suburban houses and different factories 

One such place was a former paint factory turned into a gym by the Animals, known as the Tripple Xtreme Epic Workout Center, or more commonly referred to as the Tripple Extreme Gym

One such place was a former paint factory turned into a gym by the Animals, known as the Tripple Xtreme Epic Workout Center, or more commonly referred to as the Tripple Extreme Gym

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