Rooftop Revolutions - Shota Aizawa

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Summary: Aizawa had a nightmare about his past interaction with Midoriya
AU: Normal
Notes: ⚠️Suicide Talk⚠️ 

Aizawa had a nightmare about this event. So I thought what if Midoriya and Aizawa had an interaction where Midoriya attempts suicide and Aizawa saves him? This was set right the next morning after All Might offered Midoriya his quirk. Read to find out more.🤫.


The wind gushed through his hair. A deep breath brought the smell of cherry blossoms to his nose. Patrolling at nearly four in the morning was soothing. It was calm. The crime from a few hours had calmed down. Shota Aizawa was at peace.

He stood on a rooftop, stopping for a small break before his patrol ended. He sighed and looked at the sunrise. Colors bloomed and mixed in the sky, clearing the night. His hair and capture weapon blew from the wind, swirling. Aizawa closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. The soft breeze, the quiet chirps of birds, the slightest bit of raze from the sun. None of his problems could reach him right now.

Well, he spoke too soon. Something grieving, something heartbreaking was caught by his hearing.

Soft but painful cries, not just of a man, a child were heard. His soul froze in horror, but he kept calm and approached the other side of the building, sneaking with his capture weapon ready to be thrown. 

What he saw made his stomach lurch. There, on the edge of the rooftop edge sat a child who looked no older than thirteen or fourteen years old. Spider lilies were littered beside him. It was a disturbing sight.

The kid had green hair and was wearing a middle school uniform. Audible sobs could be heard, along with incoherent words. Aizawa carefully moved closer and froze when he saw the boy get up and stand on the edge. He cackled in a way that made shivers run down Aizawa's spine.

"Will this make you happy, Kacchan? Everyone? All Might? Being quirkless is like some sort of virus to you? A disability, huh?" He heard the boy chuckle again. Aizawa took in a sharp breath, staring intensely at the boy. A quirkless boy, huh? Discrimination was a real problem.

"I can't be normal. I'm a quirkless nobody. I can't be a hero without a quirk," That statement made Aizawa's blood boil with rage, "Even though the symbol of peace said it himself." He heard next. Aizawa was going to kill All Might, The man was coming to work at U.A. How could he say that? Anyone could be a hero.

"You offered me your quirk, and I accepted like a fool. What was I thinking?" The boy stated. His voice sounded hours and hiccups escaped his mouth. Aizawa started at him with more confusion. A quirk passed on?

"Hah... I'm doing you a favor Kacchan, You wished for this," The kid whispered. Aizawa's eyes widened. He tried to take a step but he couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? What was happening? 

This wasn't what he remembered. He tried shouting, which was successful and it worked. He shouted at the kid and screamed till his throat was raw. Tears rolled down his face. He never cried, why was he crying?

The boy turned around, his eyes meeting Aizawa. Aizawa yelled louder at the kid. His eyes were dull and he had a wide smile on his face. His face began cracking and fell off like a doll. He looked like a doll, a broken mannequin. His body began crackling, and bones peaked from everywhere, muscles ripped and so much blood. A crown of spider lilies appeared on his head as he stared deadpan into Aizawa's soul. Blood poured out of his eyes.

The face was so familiar. Where had he seen it?

This was a horrendous sight. Aizawa felt his stomach lurch from the sight. Bile made its way to his throat.

"You couldn't save me, Mr. Aizawa. Goodbye world," The kid said before letting his body fall behind. Everything went in slow motion as Aizawa's body finally let go of the paralysis, his arm reaching out to the kid, who was far but he needed to reach him. He needed to save him.

Aizawa recognized that voice. He finally recognized the features. It was him.



Aizawa's eyes shot open. Sweat dripped and covered him like a blanket. He was drenched. Nausea hugged him tightly and he swallowed hard. He sat up, slowly and took a shakey breath. He was on his bed, still in his hero costume. He must have passed out right after patrol. 

Aizawa rubbed his eyes and turned his lamp on. His hand and face felt damp. Tears. He never cried thought. He rarely cries, why now? Over a stupid nightmare? His digital clock read it was three twenty-six in the morning. Throught immediately filled his mind. 

Why had he dreamt about that moment, with that kid? Why hadn't he been able to save that kid in the dream? He saved him in real life, but why not there. But the main question is, why did he dream of that moment?

But that face, that face was so familiar. Green hair, green eyes, freckles, how hadn't he noticed before? It was his, student Izuku MIdoriya. How hadn't he noticed it when he saw him at school?

It hurt his heart. His now one of the top students who show so much potential, the quirkless kid who he saved from committing suicide.  

Speaking of quirklessness, he had a quirk now, but in his dream- rather than a flashback, it was mentioned All Might passed a quirk onto him. What was that about, and why didn't either of him inform him? This could help Aizawa teach his student much better. This was important information.

Aizawa held his head in his hands and took shakey deep breaths. One thing played on a loop in his mind. A certain sentence wanted him to commit genocide.

"I'm doing you a favor, Kacchan. You wished for this."

Bakugou was in so much trouble. A kid, potential showing, a good anger-issue pomeranian, had told someone to commit suicide. How could someone aiming to be the number one hero do something like this? He didn't realize how much trouble he could get into this by saying that. And Aizawa was pretty sure he bullied Midoriya during his childhood. They were friends since they were kids, as he knew. But Bakugou said was highly irrational and wrong.

Aizawa sighed again and flopped back into bed. He was overthinking too much but he knew that he needed to talk to both of them as soon as he could. 

He quickly got up and turned his light on. His limbs ached. He stretched for a moment and wiped the dry tears on his face. Nausea still lingered but was mostly subsided now. Sniffling, he grabbed a new set of clothes and his towel before heading toward the bathroom. All the sweat and thinking made him feel disgusting.

A good shower, a cup of coffee, and an hour's worth of cat videos were all he needed right now. Bakugou and Midoriya would come later. Right now, just him.

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