A Cat-Astrophe - Hitoshi Shinso

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Summary: Shinso gets hit with a quirk and shows up to training suspicious. Aizawa finds out and his reaction is hilarious.
AU: Normal
Notes: Just wholesome stuff. Might be some cringe-


Great. Just great.

Why did every little bad thing happen to him? Being born with a power that'll make society so scared of you, that power leaving scars across your body as people "defend themselves" from you, and just being himself.

In this case, he got hit with a quirk. A quirk that gave him fricking cat ears and a cat tail.

Shinso had been walking to school like usual, headphones in as the soft melodies of the songs danced around his ear. It was a normal morning, fresh and soothing. As he was nearly there, a hand grabbed his shirt and tugged him into an alleyway. 

He grunted as he was thrown on the floor, the slight pain erupting quickly. He opened his eyes and they immediately got his attention to what was in front of him. There stood a man, holding a child by her neck, at gunpoint. The little girl was in tears as she stared at Shinso with a look of plea.

Shinso took a sharp breath and did not attempt to move. Only this one, he told himself.

The man smirked and held the girl tighter, "¥10,000 or you're both gone."

Shinso blinked and mentally laughed, asking, "Why?"

"Don't you da-" The man couldn't continue. Shinso got him under his control. Only this one, never would he do it again.

"Let go of the girl," he commanded. The man did as told, "Walk 50 steps then pinch yourself."

The man, unphased and ghosty, around and began walking into the abyss of the alleyway. The little girl stood here, sobbing her eyes out. Shinso couldn't help but feel sympathy. He slowly stood up and walked towards her.

He crouched in front of her to appear less threatening and gently spoke, "You want a hug?"

The girl without question jumped into his arms and sobbed into his chest. Shinso wrapped his arms around her gently and rubbed her back with one hand, soothing her head with the other, careful of the cat ears that rested there. 

He wasn't much of a person who liked physical touch, but she was a girl who had just earned trauma. I am also understood here.

He knew trauma.

A soft flow and a pain ripped through Shinso. He pulled away from the hug and groaned in pain. His head felt like it would explode and his back felt like the bark of a tree. He pressed his hands against his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. 

When the pain seemed to have left him alone, he let his eyes flutter open. The sounds were suddenly much clearer, the smell was even stronger, and something... felt off.

He felt his head and froze immediately. He recognized that shape. He quickly turned and saw something swish behind him.

He was a cat. He had cat ears and a tail. 

He panicked and looked around for the other girl, but she was nowhere to be seen. No trace of her. Shinso was in too much pain to notice her leave.

Shinso's face palmed and took a deep breath. How was he going to calm down from this situation? He couldn't let anyone know. Besides he had trai-

He had training with Aizawa. He knew the man would question him with no doubt on why he would be wearing a jacket and a beanie during summer.

Left with no other choice, he slowly got up and brushed himself off. He just needed to calm down and step forward. Then, he would go to the shop nearby, grab a beanie and jacket, and have the excuse of being sick to pass it off.

It would work, right?


It worked for the rest of the day, thankfully. Shinso avoided any socialization like the plague, and if someone asked him, just passed it off. The heat had gotten to him hard as if the sun had been inches away from him, but bless the U.A. and its air conditioning.

Now came the hard part, Aizawa.

Even in the short time Shinso had spent with Aizawa, he knew the man watched him like a hawk and was always onto something. Whether it'd be praise, feedback, or help. Anything Shinso needed Aizawa helped him with.

And so when he walked into the gym with a hoodie, the beanie, and his usual gym uniform pants, Aizawa was more than skeptical. He knew no one would ever wear something like this, even with Shinso's excuse of "being sick." Aizawa brushed it off and started training with him, concern still lingering in his eyes.

And boy oh boy did Shinso's heart race. After their warmups it is best not to let his beanie fall off his head, they were going to spar. Aizawa noticed. 

And after his fifth attempt to not let his beanie fall and being thrown off by Aizawa, the man had enough. They were not going to make any progress and that left Aizawa frustrated. The man halted his movement and looked at Shinso. And when Shinso started back, he knew he was dead.

"Alright, enough of this. It's obvious your excuse isn't working and this irrationality is bringing no progress to our training. Take the beanie off, Shinso," he said, stern but with a lace of gentleness. He had a soft spot for the boy. He saw himself in Shinso.

Shinso hesitated and sighed. He had no other choice but to let the truth be unraveled. He felt his cheeks heat up as he took his beanie off. He held his breath.

Aizawa blinked as he watched the cat ears emerge from Shinso's head, the tail unraveling from his jacket. His eyes widen. Shinso had ears and a tail. Was this doings to a quirk?

Aizawa let out a snort he couldn't hold back, and a rare laughter erupted from the man. Shinso blushed furiously and grunted, looking to the other side. Aizawa was still laughing.

After a minute of calming himself down, Aizawa spoke, "Sorry Kid but that's too funny. Quirk?"

Shinso nodded and looked down, face still flushed red. Aizawa couldn't help but let out a small smile. He approached the boy carefully and hesitantly, putting a hand on top of his head. Shinso tensed slightly at the sudden feelings of his new ears, but it felt... nice. Was this how cats felt when he petted them?

Aizawa was surprised when the sound of small purrs came from Shinso. He smiled softly and continued to rub Shinso's head more. Shinso was filled with bliss. This was soothing. It made his insomnia wash away like the tides at sea.

And so after a few rubs, Aizawa pulled his hand away. Shinso blinked and coughed, face going red again. Aizawa chuckled.

"Now that this is out of the way, let's get back to training. I'm expecting better since I assume cats are more enhanced?" Aizawa joked. Shinso mumbled under his breath and Aizawa let out a small laugh.

Yeah. Things are going to be ok.

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