𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻 || Drive In

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You laughed as you made your way outside the school, the cool spring breeze filling your lungs. "I've never done anything like this." You said while spinning around. "Well get used to it sweets. Ima be by your side all semester." He said while pumping up his fist.

You stopped in your tracks. "Hey... just because you got me in trouble and helped me out doesn't mean we're automatically friends." You said with your hands on your hips. "I never said we were friends" Vance said as he continued walking. You scoffed. "Then why'd you help me out?" You question with a confused tone.

"I wanted to see if little miss goodie two shoes has the balls to escape from trouble. And I must say-" he adds. "I'm a bit impressed." You laughed "Please- I'm not a goodie two shoes." You retorted. "That's cap, you and your little boyfriend Finney are the biggest nerds at school."

You chuckled at his assumption. "Firstly, I never had a boyfriend and secondly, I'm failing math." "Ha! Im failing math too, and girlfriends are overrated." He added. "Glad we're on the same page." You rolled your eyes continuing to walk." So you never had a boyfriend- hmm?" He asked, you nodded.

"Why're you asking— you think I'm pretty?" You said raising an eyebrow. "Yeah I think you're pretty" He replied as you groaned in disgust. "—pretty ugly." You rolled your eyes until you see a shop up ahead. "The grab n' go? Why'd we leave detention just to go to a gas station."

"Patience you unintelligent midget, it's what's inside the gas station we're looking for." Vance went through the door and let it slam in your face. "B!tch-" You grumbled as you opened the door. You stepped into the freezing store where you see Vance approaching a pinball machine.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" You yelled. "You're telling me we left for a bloody PINBALL MACHINE. That's it I'm leaving." You said as you walked up to Vance. "Well it was your choice to come with me." He said as he inserted a coin into the machine. "- now shut the f*ck up and let me concentrate." You watched as he concentrated, dang he's good. When he was finished his score was about 99K.

"Wow- who knew the bully has a talent. He plays with balls for a hobby." He furrowed his brows has he put his hand on your face to move you out the way. "Ima go home now, I suggest you do too." That moment realization hit you like a truck. "Oh sh!t ima be in so much trouble." You said bolting out of the shop.

You ran as fast as you could until you reached your neighborhood. Thank god your parents weren't home. You quickly sat down on the couch in relief. This day sort of worked out for you. Not only did you escape from trouble, you may have just made a new acquaintance. Although he would probably be the worse friend known to man.

You reach for your phone and dial Robin's number to fill him in on what happened today. "AH DIOS MIO!" He yelled through the phone. "Is this the same Y/N we're talking about?" You gave a noticeable forced laugh. "Wow Robin you're so funny." You said in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't like this Vance Hopper kid one bit." He adds. "Oh trust me, I don't either. This was just a one time thing." You claimed. "Mhm. You say this now. But next thing you know you're married and have 5 kids." You made a fake gagging noise in disgust. "Ew Robin. That gross- and you know I wouldn't." Robin sighed. "Cmon Y/N you got to move on."

"Easier said then done." You sighed. "Hey, I know what'll make you feel better. How about we got to the drive in tomorrow, we'll watch a scary movie~" He said in excitement. "Deal!" You hollered as you hung up the phone.

To be continued...

 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 || VANCE HOPPERWhere stories live. Discover now