𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮 || Assignment

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It was Saturday night and you were getting ready to go to the drive in with Robin. Of course he invited his best friend Finney to tag along. You were fixing your earring until you heard a thump at your window. Peering out the windowsill, you see Robin waiting in your front lawn.

"Hurry up princessa, we're gonna be late!" He hollered. You opened your window to answer. "Give me five minutes!"

You quickly sprayed some perfume and touched up the minimal amount of makeup you applied. Quickly slinging your crossover bag on your shoulder, you grabbed your house keys as you made your way outside.

"Took you long enough. Cmon Finney's waiting!" Robin said as he pulled you arm. You and Robin made your way to the drive in where Finney was at the concession stand holding a large box of popcorn. He waved to get your attention and you guys approached him.

"Hey you guys look great!" He complimented. "So do you bestie." You said as you pulled him in for a side hug. Robin was standing at the ticket booth, redeeming the tickets. "What movie are we even watching?" Asked Finney. "Only the best horror movie known to man- the Terrifier!" Robin said with a cackle.

You guys laughed as you made your way to sit down. Finney sat in the middle of you and Robin as you all ate out of the bucket of popcorn in front of him. "Shhh the movie's starting" Robin said as he scooted to the front of his seat in anticipation.

The movie was fairly scary to say at the least. It had a tremendous amount of bloodshed. No way you're going to get any sleep tonight. Especially with the image of Art the clown permanently embedded into your subconscious. After a while you had to go to the bathroom badly, but you were a bit frightened to go by yourself. You're not a scaredy cat, mostly just the adrenaline of the movie making you paranoid.

You look to the side and tap on Finney's shoulder. "Hey Finney. Could you please walk me to the restroom? It's okay if not." Finney shook his head and smiled. "Of course I'll walk you cmon." You both stood up and turned to Robin. "I'll be right back Robin, I'm just going to walk Y/N to the bathroom." Robin nodded in agreement. "Okay, just hurry back."

Making your way to the bathroom you realize there's a line. When isn't there a line for the women's restroom. Finney decided to use the restroom while you waited because it seemed like the most reasonable thing for him to do to kill time. You were patiently waiting in line until something caught your eye — specifically someone.

It was Vance Hopper leaning on a convertible surrounded by a group of teenage girls. 'Figures' you thought to yourself. 'What's the point of going to the drive in if you're not even watching the movie'

You were so lost in your thought that you didn't realize the line to the bathroom has diminished and it was your turn. After using the facilities, Finney was nowhere to be seen. You figured he left and made your way back to your seats. However, you weren't watching where you were going due to the poorly lit area and fell onto someone.

You take a second to situate yourself and dusted off your clothes. "Oh I'm sorr- YOU." You stated as you glanced to see the person was Vance. He got up and brushed off his black leather jacket. "Jeez doll~ already falling head over heels for me?" He taunts as he picks up his phone that slipped out of his pocket.

You rolled your eyes in response as you dusted off your crossbody bag and slipped it back on your shoulder. "Careful sweetheart..." he started. "You don't know what that does to me." He continued with a flashy smile.

'Was he flirting?... nah.' You thought to yourself. That would especially bold for a person you've only talked to for about 2 days. You brushed it off as you saw him go back to sweet talking other girls. 'Pfft- what a player'

You continued back to your seat where you were greeted by both Robin and Finney. "What took you so long?" Finney asked. "Shhh she was probably taking a dump." Robin answered as you flipped him off. The movie ended after about an hour and everyone began to leave.

"We should do this again sometime." Robin said as he threw away the bag of empty popcorn. "Yeah, and I'll bring my sister next time." Finney added. You were lost in thought until you remembered what the principal said Friday afternoon. 'I'm assigning you both a project where you must prove you can collaborate together.' You remembered. '...You both will find something you have in common and craft a exhibition about why the object is important to you."

You recalled this task and sighed in exasperation. Shoot. How were you supposed to finish the project without Vance. You look around and see he's still talking to his 'girlfriends' and look back at Finney and Robin. "Hey, you guys go on without me, I got to take care of something." Finney nodded while Robin gave a thumbs up. "Stay safe mamicita!" He yelled as he continued to walk with Finney.

You made your way towards Vance. 'Shoot what am I going to say? He's probably going to think I'm a total stick in the mud... but who cares' you thought as a cheeky grin formed on your face. He looks up and sees you approaching him. "Oh well if it isn't — what's you name again doll?" He says while looking around at his lady friends.

"It's Y/N." You grumbled. "Now now, no need to get mad doll~" He said as he motioned you to calm down. "I was wondering when we were going to work on the project the principal assigned to us." You stated as you came closer to Vance. "Well I figured you'd do it. After all, you're the smart one here."

You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "Cmon Vance we have to do it together." "Fine, fine." He sighed. "Just come by my house tomorrow." He informed as he took a sip of the coke bottle in his hand. "And where is your house-?" You questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"It's the big white house on the top of Elm Street. You can't miss it." He says as he points in the direction. You nodded. "So... when can I come by?" Vance laughed in response to your question. "Eager to come to my house, are we doll?" He snickered.

You rolled your eyes again. "Come anytime doll, my bedroom is waiting for you~." He taunted. You gave him a glint of disgust as you turned around to leave. "She totally wants me." You heard him state to his friends as you hear the girlish giggles behind you.

You weren't exactly sure if he would contribute to the assignment... but one things for sure, you weren't expecting to see what would happen tomorrow.

To be continued...

 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 || VANCE HOPPERWhere stories live. Discover now