Chp 1

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Why couldn't she have just left me and my friends alone?

She had somehow manipulated both my friends and parents. Thinking back, it hadn't seemed very difficult for her to do so. (They gave up on me so, so easily.) I felt the kwamis drift closer to me and comfort me silently as I let out a frustrated groan.

It's been a while since Lila had moved to our school and a lot has changed since then. I've found out that i'm "a chosen guardian," supposedly a person who can utilise all the miraculi at full power without the risk of any side effects.

That guardian also inherits kwami traits and about a dozen other things I can't care enough to name. One of the best things to come out of it though was Ishtar.

I've been training with him for a while. He helped me learn to use my new powers and he occasionally gives me good advice, even though he's very cryptic (I can't name a single time he's ever given me a straight answer to one of my many problems). Instead, he gives me riddles and puzzles to contemplate over.

Still, I always have and always will cherish our memories together. In fact, I can still remember our first conversation in vivid detail.

He had one of the most imposing voices I had ever heard, especially considering how it would echo, almost dangerously.

"Hello, little one."

The voice had seemed to be coming from all directions.

"Who are you?" I had questioned curiously, looking around myself only to be met with complete darkness.

"I doesn't matter who I am. I'm only here to help you." The voice had replied simply.

"Why?" I asked, stupidly. No one simply does something out of the goodness of their heart, it was a lesson that I had learned the hard way.

"I suppose it's because we're... kin." He said thoughtfully as though it was a question he had never considered before, or rather, never had thought he would be asked.

He gazed at me with something similar to pity.

"Thank you, then." I thanked him gracefully. Suddenly, he bowed his head and muttered (causing me to jump quite visibly), "what a big destiny for one so small and young..." only to trail off.

"Wait!" I shouted quickly.

"What?" He questioned. Though I couldn't see him yet, I could feel he was about to cut our conversation short.

"I really do mean it." I stuttered out, grateful that my voice hadn't cracked. Knowing someone cared for me (enough to help me), even out of a sense of duty, had given me hope.

It was something I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I know." He said giving no further response, yet smiling so at peace with everything that I felt myself become envious.

I had hoped he would recognise my utter sincerity and it seemed as though he understood perfectly.


Lila announced a field trip to Gotham. Wow, she's an idiot, I couldn't help but think at the time. Gotham is one of the most crime ridden cities on earth and she's sending kids like us there?

Not only that, but I had heard her bragging about knowing Damian Wayne for what felt like hours, so much so, that I had considered throwing her out of the nearest window (to be fair, that wasn't exactly a foreign feeling when listening to Lila talk.)

I looked towards my classmates. Alya and the rest of them looked positively enchanted however. By what? I'm still not entirely sure myself.

Of course, excluding Adrian and Chloe who had recently asked me for forgiveness.

Actually... that was just Chloe (which was insanely surprising). Even so, I can't really forgive her. It's always been one deception after the other with her for the entirety of the time that i've known her.

I also couldn't get the image of her helping Hawkmoth and bullying me my whole life out of my head long enough to consider her apology.

Adrian on the other hand continuously gives me sad glances, genuinely, all the time. He's not a bad person, but, he's too naive? No, that's not exactly right. I don't know how to put it. Weirdly optimistic? I don't doubt that he has good intentions but that certainly doesn't make him my friend.

He's really just a bystander who watches my misery but does nothing. I can't stand that. Still I have this feeling, almost as if I'm compelled to be friends with him.

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