Chapter 2.

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The next day, Shota had dropped Hana and Tenko off at school and went to U.A. being greeted by both his boyfriends, he kissed them both on the cheek.

"Hey Sho, what took you so long? You're usually the first one here." Oboro looked a him, slightly concerned, last time Shota was late was because Kotaru had hit him and he took up all his time getting ready trying to cover the mark, and they still saw it.

"Oh, I had to drop Tenko and Hana off at school, Tenko got his quirk last night and he didn't want to leave my side because of my quirk..." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Hizashi confirmed this to Oboro, who smiled, "Cool, what's his quirk? Maybe if he becomes a hero then he can join our agency!"

Shota looked to Hizashi, then back at Oboro, "Well... It doesn't have a name yet but he decayed Mon to a pile of dust, blood, and chunks of flesh..." He looked upset at the memory.

Hizashi quickly caught the discomfort, "Well, he'd be a great rescue hero! Like our underclassmen Kurose! Her quirk is crazy dangerous but she has great control over it!"

Shota smiled, "That's what I told him, but now my dad is super paranoid that he'll kill Hana, mom, or him so he's making Tenko stay with in my room until he knows how to control it, which means, no sneaking into my room for late night make out sessions because there will be a child in the room."

Oboro and Hizashi groaned, "But we love your kisses Sho!" Oboro pouted, "Yeah Sho, I guess we'll just have to drag you to the bathroom during lunch to get our kisses."

Shota blushed, "Don't you dare you brats." Hizashi grinned at Oboro and ran away with him, Shota chasing behind them, "Get back here assholes!" They ran straight into the class and Shota tackled them, "No."

Hizashi looked around the room at the students and teacher watching, "Sho, you have all the unwanted attention~"

He immediately got up and went to his seat, sitting in his chair with his head down, face completely red.

Oboro walked over, "Aw, c'mon Sho, we were just joking, you know we love you."

"Sit. Down. ...assholes..." Shota covered his head with his capture weapon.

Oboro kissed his head, so did Hizashi, and they both took their respective seats next to Shota.The teacher, used to their antics by now, went back to instructing the class. Shota only stopped hiding in his capture weapon until the class was halfway done.

After, they had hero training so while Shota was getting changed into his hero costume, Oboro and Hizashi kissed his cheeks, "We forgot to give you your kiss earlier, love you!"

Shota was blushing and they all went back to getting ready, Shota not being able to make eye contact with either of them at all during the training.

After the training was lunch, and once they were all sat down on the rooftop, they took turns sharing their food with each other, Nemuri came onto the rooftop, "Hey you youthful gays!"Hizashi smiled, "Nemuri! Glad you could make it! Shota has our favorite foods but he's being mean and not sharing!"

Oboro pouted again, "Yeah! He's being a jerk!" He tried to snatch the Sushi from Shota, who easily blocked him.

"You guys have been teasing me all day, you don't get your favorite foods, you haven't earned them." He took a bite of the fried chicken while glaring at Hizashi.

"This is just torture man! What the heck?! I brought you an entire bento!" Hizashi whined and Nemuri got a mischievous look in her eye, "Shota, they're begging for you so nicely, they deserve a treat~"

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