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Roxanne sat beside the tall bear-like dude the blondie kept calling "Tragen" her study of foreign languages allowed her to remember that Tragen meant bear in German. Name fits. The truck was fairly big for just two guys,making her wonder if there was anyone else possibly with them. She was really uncomfortable under the stare of Tragen,it made it harder to try and pick at the handcuff locks on her hands. He suddenly stood up and walked over to where she was sitting,and towered over her.
Roxanne avoided eye contact. He's gotta be at least 6'8,what in the world did his parents feed him? He stood there staring at her as she tried her best not to look up at him.
"What division are you from?"
Roxanne tried to ignore him,still avoiding eye contact. At least she was,until he bent down to her level.
"Don't be rude. I'm not as violent as my brother."
They're brothers?
"Well at least tell me your name."
Roxanne kept her silence.
"Well if you won't tell me I guess I'll just have to see for myself."
He reached for her second set of dog tags,to which she tried to avoid.
Annoyed,he used one hand to grab her face and push it against the wall of the truck,and the other to examine her dog tags.
"Roxanne huh? That's a pretty name." He let go of his hold and stood back up.
"I apologize if that was a little rough,but you could've just told me your name."
Roxanne just looked away instead.
"Alright fine you can be like that." Roxanne almost felt a little bad ignoring him,but then again this guy aided in her kidnapping after all.
I wonder where we're going?

After what felt like hours the truck stopped and the door opened. This time,she was met by not just the rude blondie but a woman whom didn't seem too pleased to see her. She grabbed the blondie by the ear and hastily whispered something he looked back her seemingly surprised by whatever she said. All three escorted her into the complex where they seemed to reside. As she walked she tried to listen to the blondie and the young woman were talking about.
She caught a little.
"He's gonna lose it if he sees her here."
"How was I supposed to know?"
"Maybe he won't be that upset."
"Just keep her out of his sight,and figure out what to do next. The real convoy already made it,and he's hopping mad about it. This is the last thing he needs."
Roxanne's curiosity shot through the roof,who was their leader? And were they talking about keeping her out of his sight?
Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of a large steel door. Before she could see where the noise came from she was half drug down the hallway as all three of her captors ran for it. They reached a staircase where they somehow still booked it,even with Roxanne in tow. Finally reaching the bottom they slowed down,seeming relived they had avoided whoever it was.
They left her in the handcuffs inside a small room with a tiny cot in the corner and no windows. The single lightbulb over head flickered a few times,as Roxanne sat there awaiting her fate.

George and Veronica combed through the DACRAI data base searching for anything on Rigel and Fowler. "Ugh we've been at this for almost three hours George,can we please get some sleep?"
"Three hours? I don't want to waste two seconds!"
"But we've been referencing,cross referencing,reading,rereading,re-rereading,I think my eyes are crossing at this rate." George sighed. "Alright fine go get some sleep,but get Aaron or Tom down here to help me since they have Night Shift anyways." Veronica tiredly stumbled upstairs and sent Aaron and Tom down in her stead. She stumbled off to get some sleep as Tom and Aaron helped search the data base again.
"AHA,I think I found something!" Aaron woke up to George stared at the screen with eyes redder than a pepper. "Look it says they used this place as a facility for a few years,maybe if we head there we'll find something."
Tom,in his very tired state,yawned. "Man but that's almost a two hour trip,can't we wait till tomorrow?"
"Look I know you guys are tired,but these guys are a legitimate threat to all of us. Besides if I can help Roxanne at all,I'll do it!"
"Well son,there's not much you can do for her right now." Richard said wandering down into the room where the computer sat.
"What do you mean by that sir? Aaron asked sitting upright.
"I mean that during the mission the convoy she was in was attacked,and that Banshee,Roxanne,is missing in action currently."
"Why didn't you tell us sooner? That's one of our sister in arms!"
"I know son but I had hoped that there would be more information on what happened that would surface."
"Do they know what might of happened?"
"We suspect she's at the mercy of terrorists."

Roxanne had been interrogated by all three captors within a few hours of one another. She ended up learning all their names by the end of it. The big burly bear was named Austin,the blondie was named Shae,and the young woman was named Imani.
Every single one of them kept their bosses name hush hush.
But during a turn where Shae was playing bad cop they were interrupted by Austin,panicked about something. He kept repeating "Shae he's coming downstairs,we gotta make ourselves scarce." Before either of them could shut the door again someone halted it closure. She couldn't quite hear what in the world they were trying to tell the unseen individual but it clearly wasn't working. The hand opened the door all the way and walked inside.
Roxanne almost fainted.
Standing in the doorway horrified,
Was their boss.

Injustice Dies in Daylight 2: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now