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Roxanne hit the floor at full force. Knocking the wind out of her for just a moment.
She pulled herself to her feet trying to feel her way through the dark hallways.
Luckily Rigel hadn't been able to keep track of her while she was in the rafters,and Fowler had to return to the stairs to continue the chase. She found a door and busted outside, almost collapsing into the grass from the effort. She pushed forward and ran for her motorcycle.
Before they even made it outside Roxanne fired up the engine and sped off. And here Jonas told me it was stupid to increase the motorcycle speed so much. The speedometer looked like it was struggling as it pushed past 90 MPH. She slowed as she came into town,not wanting to get pulled over.
She really messed up this time. Not only had she exposed herself and let them know she was onto them,she also no longer had a solid lead to where they would have go next.

"In other news,the death of the unidentified man who fell from several stories has yet to be determined to be foul play or suicide. At 7:43 PM last night-"
Roxanne shut the news off,the last thing she needed was to be reminded of that. The steel mill was abandoned,and she had no clue where they had gone.

"The sergeant fell out of the rafters,right in front of you,and you still couldn't catch her?"
Rigel and Fowler stood in front of their boss,who was really sending them down the rails.
"It took us off guard,and she was much faster. If anything Fowler is the one who let her escape,not me."
"That's a lie! You didn't even try to chase her! I was the one having to run through the rafters after her!"
"Both of you,shut up."
They stood back at attention.
"What do you want us to do now?" Fowler scowled at Rigel,he was such a kiss up.
"You're going to go back to Cedar's Cay,and this time,you'd better not screw up."
Fowler was annoyed and slightly disturbed by Shrikes obsession with Sergeant Phoenix.
"Why do you care so much about some nobody Sergeant? We've got better things to do than be spying on her all day."
"That isn't your business,what is your business is doing what I tell you to or else you're going to be missing your pay cut."
"Whatever you say,sir."
"This time,I have a better idea to get you both on the island,without needing to sneak around."

Roxanne sat in the lecture hall,she was pretty lucky no one had noticed she had left the night before. She wasn't paying attention to the lesson at all,instead thinking of where Rigel and Fowler were. Who was their boss Shrike? And what were they planning next?
"Sergeant Roxanne Phoenix,please report to Colonel Windsor's office immediately. Thank you."
Almost everyone turned around in their seats to look at her. They were pretty good at being subtle. She stood up and headed down to the office.
She walked into the office,it was fairly dark. The windows were shut and the curtains drawn,only the overhead bulbs providing any source of light.
"Sit down,Roxanne there's something I wanted to discuss with you."
She sat down,wondering if he'd found out about her night escapade.
"Am I in trouble?"
"No,I talked it over with some of my officers,we're assigning some of our higher ranked soldiers with guardians during the night. With recent attacks and no lead on our assailant,we feel it would be better."
Body guards? That's unheard of,we're trained soldiers,not dignitaries. I should've just told him what I had seen,but if I did he'd find out about Manson. And that could mean a Court Marshal,and she'd have to prove her innocence all over again.
Not only that,she's be in massive trouble for leaving without permission,and taking technology without permission.
"But we don't have nearly enough soldiers for body guards,we've got too many higher ranks."
"I have been given permission to hire some help,PMCs,if you will."
"PMCs? I'm not so sure about that. With all due respect,sir."
"There is no need to worry,I've spoken with my other officers,we'll only hire three. Selected by me and my officers."
"Then I trust your decision,sir."
"You'll meet your guard tomorrow,I have chosen to assign two to you as you seemed to be one of the main targets we're aware of."
"Two? But sir that's excessive,I've had more than enough experience to-"
He held up his hand,signaling her to stop talking.
"I know it seems more than it should be,but this was a suggestion made by officer Dreich. Others agreed with his decision."
Man I hate Dreich,never did like me. Always treated me and Jonas like children that needed discipline.
"Yes sir."
"I'll need you here in my office at 4:00 PM tomorrow,one guard May make rounds into your room for moment to check the windows and such while you sleep."
IN MY ROOM TOO? Do I get ANY privacy?
"No disrespect to your decision sir,But I'm not sure how I feel about one in the room with me."
"He won't be in there the entire time,only being in there for a moment every 20 minutes or so before standing guard outside your door."
Still. Having someone in my room checking windows while I sleep is weird,it's not like I'm 12 years old.
"I assure you that they are not dangerous men. We'll also leave you a radio on your bedside if you are uncomfortable."
"Yes sir."

Roxanne sat in the booth at Brews,watching the news. The news was as boring as the day had been already,Roxanne just wanted to get to 3:00 PM already so she could get this whole Body Guard business over with. 2:45. The time couldn't go by fast enough. Everyone else had pretty much been assigned theirs,but of course as usual she was the last one. She sighed and let her head hit the table. After wallowing in boredom for 10 minutes the call finally came. She headed up to the office where Richard and the two body guards were waiting.
"Roxanne,thank you for being on time,these are your guards,Rhett and Felix."
They two men turned around,
Roxanne feel the color drain from her face,as her heart seemed to stop beating.
For the first time she thought she might actually faint of fright.
Standing in front of her were her new body guards.
Rigel and Fowler.

Injustice Dies in Daylight 2: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now