Close Call

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The clock in Roxanne's room struck Midnight,waking her up. She became aware of the person standing above her and screamed. The person moved fast,but Roxanne was faster. Dodging to the other side of the bed,the needle barely missed. Whoever it was realized that Roxanne had woken up the others. As Roxanne recovered from her jump,the unknown assailant dashed to the other side of the room and jumped out the open window. She rushed over,hoping to catch a glimpse of where he'd gone,but he had vanished into the shadows. She walked over to the door where the others were trying to open it. Realizing how close of a call she'd really been in she let the others in and went over what happened.
That night Roxanne slept in Veronica's room.

The next morning Richard called everyone to the Charlie building to go over what had happened the night before. He said that there would be an investigation into what happened and that Roxanne and others would have security installed into their rooms.
Roxanne sat there,wishing it had just been a bad dream induced by the Prozac. She knew she'd need to figure this out before whoever had been there that night came back. She headed out to the woods where she had found the tape and began her search. As she looked around the trees she saw something poking out of the dirt. It looked to be a type of badge made of silver and gold. She dug it out to get a closer look at it. It had an insignia of a coyote,something she had never seen before. The name engraved on it said Sidon. She knew no one on the island had the name Sidon,which meant the person who owned this might have been the one there last night. Maybe the DACRAI data base would have something on it. She turned to head back only to be met by Aaron standing there.
"Roxanne,I wanted to come with you. I don't think you should be wandering around by yourself until we catch the guy."
She felt a bit of pain in her heart,she knew he meant well but sometimes he could be a bit of hindrance.
"Aaron,I appreciate the concern,but I promise I'll be fine. I'm a well trained soldier,I can defend myself,at least when I'm awake. Though if it makes you feel better,you can come with me to check the DACRAI data base." Aaron just nodded,and they set off.

The DACRAI data base was extensive,info on any number of threats could be found on it. Within minutes they had a hit on the name Sidon. "Rigel Sidon,bounty hunter and wanted by many countries. He has a known alliance with a man named Fowler Cocidious and they seem to under the radar right now. Neither of which have ever been photographed." Roxanne read off.
"Sounds like a hit,though we'll have to wait it out to go looking for him."
After giving their findings to Richard,Roxanne and Aaron walked down to Brews to meet with their friends.
Roxanne,George,Veronica,Aaron,and Robert sat at the corner table brainstorming about what to do next. Finally Veronica sighed, "I don't think there is much we can do,we can't just take off and try and find them ourselves. The best thing we can do is play this by ear and figure out a plan later."
"I hate that your right,we'll just have to hope the security measures hold up." George said.
The group sat in a funk. Roxanne was about to ask them what they had found when a piece of straw paper hit her in the nose. Across the table,George snickered. And before they knew it the whole table was firing straw paper at each other.

The next morning,Roxanne sat in Richards office. He had called her up to discuss an assignment with her.
"We've had reports on threats made against a man named William Barns. He's a business man who's made a few shady deals that seem to be biting him back. He's to meet with head commanders of the military where he will accept money to build them weapons. This meeting has to happen,which is why you and a few others will be guarding him on his journey. Roxanne,this is extremely dangerous for someone like you. While I do believe you are capable,remember to follow the others and don't act on impulse. Acting alone could result in Mr. Barns' death,do you understand?" If she wasn't stressed before she certainly was now.
But even through her rapid heart beat she found her voice,
"Yes sir."
"Good. You'll be shipped out tomorrow,you are the only one from this division who is going. Good luck,and return here safe."
"You sound like you care,sir."
"Veronica would never forgive me if you didn't." Roxanne felt pride swell her heart,Richard had become a father to her,and to hear that made her beyond ecstatic.

The ride with the rest of the soldiers was long,and boring. Roxanne was interested by how many different people were here. Brits,French,even some Russians. It intimidated Roxanne a little to be part of the UN's picks for a big job like this. They all arrived to the hotel without issue,where they met Mr. Barns. He looked over each soldier with a critical eye,asking their commander each of their names. When he got to Roxanne he stopped cold. He demanded to know her name.
"I believe that's Sergeant Roxanne Phoenix of the Cedar's Cay Division." The Captain responded.
"You're Luther's kid,aren't you?" Roxanne sat there trying to not to seem surprised, "Yes sir."
"Figured so,you look exactly like him. He was my business partner a long time ago. Surprised you decided on the army."
Roxanne felt embarrassed,the other soldiers were now staring at her. "It was an impulse decision,sir."
"Hm,nice to at least see a somewhat familiar face here." The Captain explained what they were to do. There would be convoy to take William to the location,while a decoy convoy was to confuse any attackers from the real convoy. Roxanne was assigned to the fake convoy. Alongside her in one vehicle were two Russians,a Frenchmen,a Brit,and an Irishman. And by the next morning,the convoys were on their way.

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