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Roxanne felt like banging her head against the computer desk. It was 2:00 AM and she was no where near figuring out what to write her paper on. Three empty cans of Bolt sat next to her,at this rate she was going to have a heart attack before deciding on a topic for the assignment. Her 20th birthday was staring her in the face and the possibility of a new rank made her itch to figure out a topic. She figured she'd go outside get some fresh air and perhaps have an idea.
The chilly fall air hit her skin as she paced the path she was familiar with,the moon was full and bright giving her no issue as she paced along the trail. Every now and then she could hear a shuffle of leaves above. Stupid squirrels. But the amount of noise made it seem like perhaps it was something bigger. Roxanne began to get a little spooked,spending all that time in a tiny dark room made her not scared of much,but this seemed really off.
The rustling seemed to follow her wherever she went.
She began to jog a little faster back to base.
The noise kept pace.
This time she began running and she could hear branches and twigs snapping behind her.
Not paying attention to what was in front of her she ran smack into Jonas.
"Watch where you're going." He muttered somewhat angrily.
"Jonas? What are you doing out here?"
"Walking,what else would I be doing? Why are you running out of the woods? You're going to give someone a heart attack."
Roxanne sat there attempting to do her best to explain what happened. "And then I hear branches and trees snapping behind me,and I panicked." He looked at her as if she was crazy. Maybe she was.
"So you heard something in the trees,and you ran like your life depended on it? I'd be concerned if this was Vietnam in the 60s,but this is Cedars Cay. I think you need to go sleep off those energy drinks."
"Fine I'll go back,but I'm not crazy."
"Sure you aren't."

As she trailed back she stared up into the trees.
Maybe I am crazy,all that time in the loony bin finally did it for me.
She stopped dead when she noticed something shiny in the branches. Attempting to climb the tree quietly ,but ultimately failing, she grasped something metal. Pulling it down to look at it she realized it was film to a camera.
The only cameras around are the CCTV cameras in the buildings,this isn't the right type of film. She pocketed it and went back upstairs. She found something to plug the film into her computer. She loaded up the documents left on the film.
She felt sick.
The film was loaded with pictures of her. Walking through the woods with her friends or alone. Sometimes the camera was within feet of her,yet she never knew. This had to be a sick joke. Maybe Jonas left it up there to mess with her,or maybe Tom thought he'd be funny. But deep inside she knew neither of them were that twisted.
She couldn't sleep that night,every movement outside her window made her jump. She kept her Bowie sitting by her bedside ready for any moment. By the time the sun had come up she could barely see straight,and was sick to her stomach.
She trudged into the hallway,where she was met by Helen. "Well! Nice to see you up early,and- My goodness,you look awful! Maybe you should go pay a visit to Dr. Jason,dear." Roxanne wanted to so bad,but knew she had to go talk to Richard about the film first.
"I can't yet,is Richard in his office?"
"Well I don't know,he might be,you'll have to go see. Roxanne is something wrong?"
Roxanne wanted to just crash into the floor and tell her everything,but she knew sending everyone into a panic about something she wasn't sure of would be worse than a lack of sleep.
Roxanne bolted to the Beta Building,ignoring George and Robert as they said hello. She about banged the door right off its hinges. Richard looked less than happy to be interrupted during a conversation with one of his officers,but seeing the panicked and nervous wreck Roxanne had become he let her in.
She handed over the film stumbling through her story as Richard sat there,concern growing. He took a look through the film and said that while it was concerning there wasn't anything they could do at the moment. He sent her down to Dr. Jason Schneiders office,where she met up with Veronica and Heather. As Heather searched the cabinets for Prozac,Rox relayed everything to the two of the. Heather,who was already a shy nervous wreck,dropped the bottle several times before giving it to Roxanne. Veronica insisted Roxanne go back to bed,and that she and Heather would write up a medical excuse for her.

Roxanne sat in her bedroom attempting to get any sleep. By the time she began to drift of it was almost 10:00 PM.
As midnight approached and she slept,the latch on her window was silently undone. And a shadowy figure silently climbed in. Walking eerily quietly over to her door,they locked it and began to search for something. Finding nothing,they made their way over to the bedside where she slept without a worry. The figure now stood prone over her for an uncomfortable amount of time.
Now knowing she truly was asleep,the figure pulled a needle out from his belt.

Injustice Dies in Daylight 2: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now