Shot in the Dark.

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"Colonel,we please ask that you consider the possibility." Richard sat at his desk looking at the four desperate soldiers in front of him. "This is serious stuff,but we need more time." "Father please!" Veronica pleaded with him,hoping to appeal to his fatherly side. He stared at her for a moment and just sighed. "We need more than just this." "Would a testimony help?" Everyone turned to see Jonas standing in the doorway. "Sergeant Hill. What's this about a testimony?" Jonas boldly stepped forward, "Sir,there were many instances of violence against Roxanne and myself by Killian. Attacking someone wasn't something he was shy about." Richard placed his hands in front of him on the desk. "Why wait until now? What has changed?" "My story has a corroboration,before it was just my word against his. Now there's document proof that will back me up." Richard sat up straight. "This is far more serious,I will issue a court date to see to this. If this is overturned,I trust you five to see to it that the corporal has no more incidents. Do you understand?" "Yes sir."

The court date approached. The selected jury seemed far more sympathetic to Roxanne than the last. Michael sat in his room pacing and unsure of what to do. His father had asked him to get Roxanne out of the picture. He wanted to do it without violence,but if this was to overturn-. No,I won't do it with violence. I'll just get out of here,run my own operation like I had planned. Those three were loyal to me,maybe they'll let me join them out there.

Inside her tiny cell Roxanne began to pray. She remembered her mothers prayers for her at night,and began to recite them. She didn't know why,but somehow she felt at peace. For the first time since she had left that courtroom,she felt at peace.

The courthouse was full,today was going to monumental,and George,Veronica,Aaron,Jonas,and Robert would make sure of it.

Michael looked at the courthouse. He watched as the clock struck noon. 30 Minutes until the hearing.

Roxanne paced the room,something was stirring her mind. She couldn't sleep,which was making her grouchy. She didn't know what was going on across the sea.

The clock struck 12:30,the jury was full. The bailiffs stood waiting. The judge walked in.
George was ready. Veronica and Robert held their breath. Aaron sat waiting for it to be over. Jonas stood awaiting the Defense.
The prosecutor sat seemingly bored. Jonas was called up first. His testimony seemed to strike a chord with the jury. That woke up the prosecution. The documents struck a nerve,the prosecution began to fall apart.

Michael gathered his things,the jury would be sent for recess soon,and he knew what the outcome would be.

Roxanne slept fitfully.

Things were going well for defense. Aaron testified the knife had belonged to Killian,throwing the prosecutor into another panic.

Michael loaded a small boat with his things,and thought about where to go next. He remembered the possibility of being a mercenary,he had some allies with some,maybe he could get them together.

Finally after almost two hours of incriminating evidence,recess was called. And only minutes later,they returned
Not. Guilty.
The celebration was loud. The victory was sweet for the defense,and a sting for the prosecution.
In Richard's office Jonas,Aaron,Robert,and George were congratulated. "Now listen,you go out and get her. I have called to inform Willows Grove that she is now released from custody. Bring her home." They saluted and made their way towards the docks.

"Oi,wake up."
Roxanne was prodded awake by one of the doctors. "What?" "Wake up,we've been instructed to let you go." "What?"
"Yeah,cant you hear or something? There are some dudes to pick you up here now."
Roxanne had never been more happy to see Jonas in her entire life. The sunlight hitting her face surrounded by friends made the interrupted sleep worth everything.
George slipped his arm around her on the boat ride back. "I'm glad to have you back." Roxanne smiled. "Aaron informed me what you all did for me."
She leaned up,and kissed his cheek. He turned red as a tomato. Before she knew it she was turning red too.
The ocean looked beautiful as the boat rocked its way back to Cedar's Cay. But something felt unanswered. "What happened to Michael?" Everyone somewhat shifted uncomfortably. But it was Jonas who answered. "He's gone,you ain't gotta worry about him no more." "You just weren't gonna tell me?" Roxanne was agitated that they would leave that out. "No he only left this morning,just before the court adjourned." Roxanne leaned back,still fuming a little. "Because he had something to do with the bridge,didn't he?" Aaron was startled, "We'll um we aren't-" Roxanne stopped him, "No I had a feeling,he had no reason to be at the gorge that day. He was ignorant of my existence after I got out of the hospital." "Roxanne,he wasn't trying to kill you."
"What?" Aaron kinda sat up awkwardly. "He said he had just intended to scare you,that Dad had told him to do it. He was afraid of dad just as you guys were." George looked floored. "You didn't mention this before." "I was scared to." Roxanne just kinda sat there,conflicted. Anger was building up,and she wanting nothing more than to see Michael just to slap him.
Michael sat in a small room alongside three others. "We're all in agreement then? We work together as a team of mercenaries,not just as individuals anymore." "I'm in." "As am I." "I also agree." "Then we're not just mercenaries anymore,we're a force to be reckoned with,a Magna Force."

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