What the zodiac signs are jealous of:
Aries: Old classmates who are succeeding at things you aren't interested in.
Taurus: Other people's gardens that are doing better than yours.
Gemini: The other Gemini at the party making people laugh.
Cancer: Your cat who gets to sleep all day unburdened by their thoughts.
Leo: Your crush who you're not sure if you want to be or be with.
Virgo: Your ex who got to date you.
Libra: People whose parents made them learn an instrument as a child.
Scorpio: People who seem like they're always on lavish vacations.
Sagittarius: Your friend with an in-unit washing machine.
Capricorn: Your friends who get to be carefree and reckless while you make sure everything is okay.
Aquarius: Previous generations who lived in a time when the world wasn't actively crumbling.
Pisces: People who are more in control of their emotions.