193 | Stressed Out

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The zodiac signs' stress triggers:

Aries: They get stressed when they have too much on their plate. Their decision-making skills become jammed, and they can't trust others with their work.

Taurus: Dealing with changes and accepting new situations in life makes them feel very stressed out.

Gemini: They get stressed out when nothing in their lives is challenging enough. They need to feel challenged all the time.

Cancer: They get stressed out dwelling unduly on all the different ways in which their lives could go wrong.

Leo: They get stressed out when they feel like they are no longer relevant and have lost their position in the spotlight.

Virgo: Bottled up emotions and overthinking makes them feel stressed out.

Libra: When they aren't treated fairly, and harmony is missing from their lives, they stress out.

Scorpio: When a trusted person or a loved one is unfaithful, it stresses them out to the point of triggering a breakdown.

Sagittarius: They get stressed when micromanaged and made to focus on the details.

Capricorn: They get stressed out by the thought of failed expectations and overwork themselves to reach end goals.

Aquarius: They get stressed out because of an overload of feelings for others while burying their own problems.

Pisces: Constantly finding their way out of difficult emotional situations makes them very stressed out.

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