Stay strong

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Ellie x Y/N

During patrol with Jesse the scars capture Y/N and kidnap her with cruel intentions. When Ellie finds out she wastes no time in going to save her .

"What are we even looking for?" I asked Jesse as we made our way through the woods .

"Maria marked a cabin on the map that she wants us to search for supplies" Jessie said before pulling out the map to make sure that we were going the right way .

"Are you sure that we are going the right way, we have been walking through this fucking forest for over an hour now and we still haven't found anything" I said in a low tone feeling slightly agitated .

"Oh shit, we have been going the complete wrong way" Jessie said in a high pitched raspy voice before he crumpled up the map and threw it on the floor in anger .

"For fucks sake Jessie you had one easy job and you managed to fuck it up" I said before I picked the map up and began to uncrumble it.

"Well why don't you do it, if you think it's so fucking easy" Jessie said in a slightly raised voice before throwing his hands up in anger.

"Jessie we are in fucking scar teritory" I said in fear as I stared at the map in my hands .

"We need to get out of here now fo.." Jessie started before he was cut off by people shouting from bushes in front of us .

"RUN" I shouted as I turned around and started to sprint as fast as my legs could take me .

"GET THEM" A male voice shouted from behind me as I tried to dodge arrows that were flying across my head .

"FUCK" Jessie screamed in pain as he stepped in a bear trap hidden under bark .

I immediately ran over to him and quickly tried to pry the trap open with my hands. Despite my efforts it wasn't working, it kept on clamping shut around his ankle, causing his wound to become deeper every time .

"Fucking run Y/N" Jessie said between breaths as he cried out in pain .

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not leaving you" I quickly said before I pulled my knife out of my pocket and slotted it in the bear trap to keep it pried open long enough for him to slide his foot out .

"Watch out" Jessie weakly said as he pulled his foot out the trap before an arrow shot through my calf .I immediately dropped to my knees and cried in agony as Jessie tried to pull me up .

"Jessie I can't run" I whimpered as tears began to fall from my eyes before I weakly dropped back down to the floor out of Jessie's grip .

"Y/N WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Jessie shouted at me while grabbing both sides of my face .

"Fucking run Jessie, you can't save both of us" I said in a low voice as I heard heavy footsteps approaching from behind us .

"I will get help" Jessie said to me in a slightly raised voice as tears fell from his eyes before he ran away as fast as he could with his injured ankle .

My head hung low and my eyes grew heavy as I saw Jessie disappear through the trees. I was slowly slipping out of consciousness and was slowly giving up until I felt someone drag me backwards by my ankle. With all the power I had left, I fought and tried to kick them off until another arrows shot through my hand causing me to let my head fall back and let out an antagonising scream .

"WE'VE GOT ONE" A male voice shouted before my eyes finally shut and I fell unconscious while being dragged through piles of mud and leaves .

Ellie's pov

Ellie Williams (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now