YXS News Broadcast (Special)

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Person One:  Welcome to YXS News! This is our 'official unofficial' school news broadcast that delves deep into controversial topics. This is where we report since sadly the school doesn't allow this on the morning announcements. *shows visible pouty face with teary eyes*

Person Two:  There are multiple reasons why we aren't allowed to do this, but we choose to ignore them. Now continuing on to today's weather broadcast...You're on Choi Beomgyu!

Beomgyu (also known as person one): The weather seems quite gloomy after a prank was pulled by...ahem...a specific two, causing the victim the irreparable damage of a broken arm and a broken leg. *pretends to sob sympathetically* We have yet to find the culprits.

Yeonjun (also known as person two): The person who had the idea... he's a bit overrated if I say so myself... *coughs extra loudly* I mean I cle-

Beomgyu:  Anyhow, we have more to talk about with a screen time limit of five minutes! A teacher at BigHit Highschool, Mr. Jay Y. Park, who insists on us calling him "JYP", was caught in the janitor's closet with Principal Bang PD! *crowd collectively gasps* This was all very shocking to us students considering how he always rants about how much he cherishes his wife and kids... I guess it's always the liars!

Yeonjun: Onto the next story! Kai Kamal Huening, a cute freshman who just finished his sewing classes, is on his way to making a 7"1 Molang plushie. He plans on bringing his beloved creation to school to debate with the principal as to why it should be the new mascot. He has already prepared his presentation and the ways to get his amazing points across while also preparing the ways of getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

Beomgyu: This should be interesting.

Yeonjun:  Certainly, and J-Hope, a senior, is hosting a Pokémon party on Friday after school from 20:00 to 24:00. To get invited, you need to receive conspicuous black envelopes, that specify the exact whereabouts and the profits. This invitation is personally given to attendees by the president of the Pokémon committee.

Beomgyu: Just this morning, kids had to evacuate school since a junior thought it would be cool to bring a machete to school. Not only that, but the backpack that he brought with him held up to 24 cans of beer and a singular bottle filled with liquid resembling wine...although I'm not too sure of it myself... *slight demonic giggle*

Yeonjun: ...The student is now punished with 70 hours of community service, as demanded by the juvenile judge prior this evening.

Beomgyu: That kid was crazy...

Yeonjun: I know, right? He also bit a teacher's hand like last week for not letting him into the class party.

Beomgyu: ...Well, onto the next topic, rumors surround class president Kang Taehyun as to why he spends so much time studying. To impress someone? To prove himself? Dang, I think he's even studying now as we speak. The guy's next level crazy when it comes to getting college applications.

Yeonjun: He got one just last week from Harvard, studying sure pays off, but reminder students, if not now, then when can you have fun? Clearly not when you're having a midlife crisis while struggling to pay bills.

Beomgyu: *wipes away fake tear* Well said, well said, in fact, probably the best thing that you've said in a while now Yeonjun.

Yeonjun: I don't take credit for it.

Someone Off-Camera: Your five minutes are almost up, finish what you have to say!

Yeonjun and Beomgyu together: Thank you for tuning in everyone! We hope you've enjoyed the past five minutes of us catching up on our crazy high school. Tune in next week on Youtube.

Yeonjun: *painfully* Please like, subscribe, and push that follow button.

Beomgyu and Camera Homie (Soobin) burst out laughing as the video cuts out.


Hi! Updates took a long time, but I guess we got there! If you couldn't guess what it was, it was basically a little skit way of an 'unofficial official' school broadcast! If it seems random, that's cause it is, we got that random bit of inspiration and decided to write it down. Don't expect an update BTW! (Please vote and recommend, we got bills to pay. D:) 

EEK! TYSM for 48 views!!!!! <3 Make sure to eat well, stay healthy, and keep those grades up! We're rooting for you!!!🎉😘🎉

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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