Chapter 8

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//Quick note.When * appears lisent to the song.It might not work so you'll have to go watch it on YT.Oh and Warning!Small feels ahead if you aren't a big Alois x Claude fan, big feels if you are//


When I expacted a cold blade gor trought my body yet...Nothing.

I looked up, seeing the figure who called my name standing there while the angel had a demon sword trought it's chest area.The figure came to me...

It's Ciel..

He came to me and broke the chains on my hands.
He looked so concerned "Are you alright, Alois..?"

"Y-yeah.." I didn't have that burning feeling in my troth anymore

My wings went gone once agine.Ciel helped me get up and took the demon sword out of the now dead angels body.

After a long time of walking, we got to Ciel's home yet once there, Claude and Keiko were there.

She turned to me, seeing me all bloody, she quickly came and hugged me tightly as always.

The three of us talked for quite a while yet once Keiko left it was only silence befor Ciel spoke.

"You will have to live by me or Claude, Alois.Both angels and demons will do anything to kill you."

"I know..."

" who will you stay..?"

"By Claude.."

Both Ciel and Claude looked at me shocked.
The two of them couldn't belive what I just said.

Once getting my stuff from Keiko to Claudes apartment, I went to the room I have to stay in.I texted Keiko a hit befor going to my computer to write some new songs.
Soon I started remebering the times I had when I was with Claude..Then everything I went trought with my brother...And now the little special moments I spent with Ciel...

"I'm not yours, and you're not mine
But we can sit and pass the time
No fighting wars, no ringing chimes
We're just feeling fine

This is where we're supposed to be
Sitting by a broken tree
No tragedy, no poetry
Just staring at the sky

I could wait a thousand hours
Stay the same in sun and showers
Pick apart a hundred flowers
Just to be quiet
Tell me when you feel ready
I'm the one, there's not too many
Hold my hand to keep me steady
Just to be quiet
With you

I like it here beside you dear
you're even more than you appear
And in the clouds my head is clear
Every time you say hello

So here's my heart, and here's my mouth
And I can't help if things come out
'Cause there are words I want to shout
But maybe I'll stay low

I could wait a thousand hours
Stay the same in sun and showers
Pick apart a hundred flowers
Just to be quiet
Tell me when you feel ready
I'm the one, there's not too many
Hold my hand to keep me steady
Just to be quiet

I could wait a thousand hours
Stay the same in sun and showers
Pick apart a hundred flowers
Just to be quiet
Tell me when you feel ready
I'm the one, there's not too many
Hold my hand to keep me steady
Just to be quiet
With you... "

I was doing a slight humming while singing the lyrics yet not noticed the figure behind me lisenting.Claude wraped his arms around me befor kissing my neck once very quickly.

I turned around a smiled slightly "You heared me didn't you..?"

"Well that was our song once."

"T-true...You sang it to me when ever I feelt deppresed or I was sad.."


I was crying at the park one day, by a tree.I just got once agine abused by my father.
I was sick of that yet he went too far this time.

As I was sitting there, crying my eyes out, a teenager came to me.He was in a black hoodie, skinny jeans and sneakers.His hair was too a beautiful black color while his eyes were golden.
He sitted next to me.I knew this man.He was my boyfriend Claude.
Once he sat down, he wraped an arm around me and pulled me closer.

Soon, he started to sang softly.My look moved to him.His voice was so beautiful...

"Tell me when, you feel ready
I'm the one, there's not too many
Hold my hand to keep me steady
Just to be quite,
With you~"

I wiped away my tears and pulled him into a tight hug.The smell of mint and strawberrys was just so calming at that point...He was the world to me.
He was always there when I needed him..
Soonhe placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, trying to calm me down more.

"Everything will be okay..."

~End of flashback~

After that, Claude and I talked for a bit befor going to sleep yet in the middle of the night, I woke up.A nightmare.

I ran to Claudes room and laied next to him which I guess he woke up from.

"A-alois..?What are you doing?"

"I had a nightmear...I can't sleep.."

He just nodded and pulled me close befor closing once agine his eyes and wraping an arm around me.

I closed mine soon.The same mint and strawberry smell was there..

It was so nice..and calming...

I love it..

I fell asleep soon.
Dreams overtaking my mind.

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