chapter 3 - you know staring is considered rude

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I walked with the nurse to his room

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I walked with the nurse to his room. We took so many turns and walked up a few flights of stairs, but not long after we arrived at Tim's room. I stopped and thanked the nurse. She gave me a slight nod and said she will be back to check on him in a few hours. I walk into his room and he isn't awake so I take out my magazines and sit in the chair right next to him, propping my feet on the side of his bed. ~~~time skip~~~ I was starting to fall asleep, slowly my eyes started to close when I heard a low growl and my eyes shot open and looked at a now awake Tim Bradford. He tried to sit up and I quickly got out of my seat and put my hands on his shoulders to push him back down on the bed. "Stay." He stopped moving and laid back down looking me in the eyes. I picked my magazine up and sat back down not meeting his gaze, I opened my magazine, looking at the nice outfits I might go look at in store or online. "What are you reading?" I met his gaze and turned my magazine over so he could see what I was looking at, still not saying a word to him I handed him his favorite magazine. He took it and gave me a smile. I switched my clothes magazine to a car one. While I was looking at a motorcycle that caught my eye, I noticed Tim staring. "You know staring is considered rude." I said not taking my attention off the motorcycle I was looking at. He started to get up again but I stopped him. "I said. Stay." Looking up at him again he rolled his eyes and continued to get up. "I'm not staying here." He swung his legs over the side of the bed "like hell, lay yo ass back down!" I got up and pushed him back down. "Cmon I don't wanna stay in this hell hole" he whined "too bad. Lay down."I locked eyes with him "then you have to lay with me." He gave me pleading eyes, I couldn't say no because he just looked too cute to say no to. "Fine." I rolled my eyes and he laid down, opening his arms for me to lay with him. I slowly laid down, trying to avoid his sides. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, I nuzzled into his neck and slowly but surely I fell asleep.


I know Its short but I was in a rush to get this last part upload more but I have school stuff to do👁👄👁

Word count: 463

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