chapter 12

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It's been 4 hours since the doctors told me she was gone, I was devastated.  I went home and cried for hours; I sat in bed and scrolled through old pictures of us as kids on my phone. After another hour I wiped my tears and got out of bed. I looked out my window and saw that it was almost time for work, I guess I didn't realize how late it was; no sleep too. I went to my bathroom and got a shower. I scrubbed my body and washed my hair, I stayed in the shower for an extra 20 minutes; after I was done I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, I wrap it around my body. I walk over to my sink and brush my hair, after it was brushed I put it in a tight bun. I make sure the bun is secure before putting on my makeup head band to keep the makeup away from my hair. I put on some light makeup, nothing too much just enough to hide the darkness under my eyes and make me look alive. Once I was finish I take off my head band and put my makeup away.

I walk out to my closet and put on some random clothes. I make sure I have my phone, keys, and other things I may need for the day.

I walk to my kitchen and grab an apple, I put it in my bag and grab my headphones. Once I know I have everything I walk to my door and put on my boots, I make sure they are nice and tight so they don't come undone while working.

---time skip because I don't know what to do here---

I walk into the locker rooms and get changed into my uniform; I make sure I have my gun on safety as I finished putting on my duty belt. I glanced up and saw Lucy and she made eye contact with me. I hoped she didn't walk over to me and try to talk to me. Unfortunately she did. She walked over and leaned against a locker. "Aren't you supposed to be on leave?" She asked as I fixed my uniform collar. "No, I'm not. Just because someone died doesnt mean I have to leave." I replied trying my hardest to sound professional. "Yeah, but it was your should go home, Roxy." She sounded a little worried as she spoke. I sigh and look over at her. "Lucy I'm fine. Roll call is in 5 minutes, you should fix your belt or Tim might yell at you." I said as I pointed to her belt that had the gun on the wrong side. She looked down and quickly fixed it before anyone else saw. I chuckled and walked out of the locker room to roll call.


I sit down and wait for Sargent Gray to walk in. When I sat down Tim glared at me, I could tell he didn't like me being here especially when my sister had just died. Sargent Gray walks in and walks to the front of the room. He explains what we would be doing today; it was just a normal patrol day. Like always.

Once he was done I got up and walked out with the rest of the officers. I watched Nolan grab the gear and guns, he walked to the shop and placed them in the trunk. No words said. Not a single one.

"You're driving today." I said simply as I got into the passenger side and tossed him the keys. He caught the keys and got in the driver side.

After a few minutes of patrolling I hear Lucy over the radio. "Nolan, hows Roxy doing?" I roll my eyes and pick up the radio. "Lucy I told you I'm fine." I placed it back down and continued running plates from cars. "I don't think Tim liked that answer." I hear Lucy say as the radio clicks. I ignored her and tried to continue working. "Roxy." My heart stopped as I heard Tim's voice, Nolan could probably see the blush on my face as Tim said my name. I picked up the radio again. "Yes?" I waited for his response. "How you doing?" He said calmly. This man literally almost gave me a heart attack and all he asked was how I was doing?! "I'm doing good. Can I go back to work now?" I placed the radio down once more. I hear Tim chuckle on the radio. "Yes. Be safe." He said after he chuckled. Was Tim Bradford really being kind to me on the radio?! "I will. Now go back to work."

I smile as I ran another plate number. Nolan looked over at me shocked, I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I looked at him confused. "Was the tim Bradford being nice?!" I chuckled as he said that and looked back at the computer screen. "Billy Greenway, 27. He has 4 warrants and that's his car." I said as I point to an old orange car that was rusty. "He lives in apartment 4C." I turned the screen to him so he can see what he looks like. "Let's go have a chat with him." Nolan said with a smile and got out of the car.


I walked into the station with Nolan; it's been a long day but it's not over yet. I hear Sargent Gray call me and Tim to his office. I look over at Tim confused and he looked back at me also confused. He walked to Sargent Grays office and waited for him.

Not long after he walks in and sits at his desk. "I need you two to go undercover for a while." He said calmly as he looked at us in the eye, it was kinda intimidating to stare at him for that long so I slowly break eye contact. "Undercover? But we aren't undercover cops." Tim said seeming even more confused than before. "I know but you both fit the profile for the case." Sargent Gray was clearly convinced we could do it, so why not try? I nod. "Okay, so what's the case?" I asked already interested. "I need you both to go undercover for the FBI as a married couple. You're gonna help them catch a mafia boss." He leaned back in his seat as he handed us both a file. "I'm sorry did you say married... couple!?" I asked shocked that he would even ask us this. "Yes." His answer was short and simple. "And how long do we have to be prepared?" Tim asked as he looked over the file. "2 weeks. You both need to know how to act like a married couple in 2 weeks." Sargent Gray crossed his arms and look up at us. "Wait- 2 WEEKS?! that's not enough time!" I was extremely confused on how we could manage that in just two weeks. I look over at him and he had a smile on his face. How is this man smiling?! "You'll both take a 2 week leave to get ready for the undercover operation. Now go. I have things to do." Sargent Gray said as he dismissed us. I take the file and walk to my desk; Tim's desk was right next to mine so we could talk to each other without anyone hearing.

After a few minutes Tim spoke "Stop by my place after your shift." Tim said as he got up and grabbed his bags before walking to the men's locker rooms. I nod and walk to the woman's locker room.

A/N ok, ok. I know I haven't updated in soooooo long and I'm sorry for that...I just got out of surgery so let's hope this chapter is somewhat good. Also....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND VEIWS IM SO HAPPY!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Word count: 1329

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