Ch. 13 - Preparation

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This is what the man is wearing^^^

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This is what the man is wearing^^^

Roxy leaves on her motorcycle. It's dark and she's thinking about the undercover mission. she gets pulled out of thought as she hears a loud honk from the car making her swerve and lose balance, she skids to the sidewalk and looks around and sees the man who honked at her and gets upset because, like, why would you do that? the man apologizes and tells her, "you were going to collide with that huge semi-truck." He said as the huge semi-truck skidded to a halt. The semi-truck driver looks out his truck window to see if he hit her, when he realized he didn't hit her he drives away quickly. After the man drives away, they both bring their attention to her motorcycle which has a few scaves, but the thing really gets their attention is the missing exhaust pipe. The man slowly looks away from the bike to glace at Roxy. She has...a unique look to say the least, she doesn't look upset but she seems to be in her own world. "Are you okay? I..."
The man's words began to fade completely out of ear shot as her eyes begin to water at the site of her broken motorcycle. The man walks closer to her and puts his hand on her shoulder which takes her out of her daze. " know I- uhm.. I work at a repair shop. I can take your bike in and repair it. Free of charge of course!" He stampers quickly.
"No no it's fine it wasn't your fault I'll just call an Uber and a towing company." though her mind betrayed her words, she almost begged him to presist against her proposal. And as if he read her mind, he assures her that he would feel better if he could at least fix her bike for her. She heaves a relived sigh and agrees. "I'll get my employer to pick up the bike and bring it to the shop, considering the damage it should take a little over a day to completely fix it." Roxy tilts her head slightly and cracks a smile. "Tha-" she gets cut off by her stomach growling and she realizes she hasn't eaten since 3 pm.
It goes silent for a little while until the man laughs, and as he laughs Roxy finally takes this as a chance to get a good look at the man features, Under the dimly lit street light, she notices that his hair is slightly shorter with a strong curl to it then her own with a notable heathy shine to it that makes her slightly envious. Her gaze lowers to his face. His face kind of reminds her of an actor whom she once had a crush on.

At the bottom in his handsome features is perfect smile. She laughs along with him for a while until he speaks up. "We can go get some food if you want. I- I know this great diner. It's not too far from here." Roxy smiled and nods "yes please." He gestures to his car and walks over to the car, he opens the door for Roxy. She hesitates for a bit then she realizes she still has her gun on her so she should be fine. She walks to the car and gets in with a slight smile on her face, the man closes her door and walks to the driver's side. He slips into the driver's seat and starts the car, soon they are driving towards the diner. "So what's your name?" Roxy spoke softly and looked over at him "Matthew. And you are?" He glanced over at her before looking back at the road "Roxanne but my friends call me Roxy."

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