chapter 6.

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Just letting y'all know this will be somewhat sad


I knocked on the door in front of me, not even 2 minutes later the door opens "we need to talk." I said as I look up at him. He moves to the side and let's me in, I walk past him and into the living room. I stop dead in my tracks as I see his so called 'wife' sitting on the coach with a glass of.  wine in her hands 'is that the wine I bought for Tim and me?!'   I could feel the anger rising in me as I turned around and started to walk out 'I knew this was a bad idea' I said to myself as I walked back outside with tears pricking my eyes as I rushed to find my keys. I quickly put on my helmet and put my keys in their spot and turned on the engine. Swinging my legs over the seat and putting on my gloves, I heard Tim yell as I put my visor down and drove off.

I went to the only place I knew I could feel safe. After 30 minutes of driving I finally parked my motorcycle and got off with tears streaming down my face I took off my helmet and threw it on the ground. Quickly taking off my gloves and doing the same, I walk over to the big tree and sat down next to it. 'God how can I be so stupid!' I put my head on my knees as I let out a loud painful scream.

~•~•~Tim's POV~•~•~

There was a knock at the door, it sounded light but I heard it and I knew who it was 'Roxy' I thought to myself as I walked over to the door and opened it. "We need to talk" was all she said. I opened the door for her to come in and she walked into the one place I didn't want her to go to. As soon as she seen Isabel she turned around and walked out the door with out a word "Roxy!" I yelled after her. I walked onto my porch and she was already getting on her motorcycle to leave "Roxanne! Wait let me explain!!" She drove off and I could see the tears in her eyes as she put her visor down. "God damnit!" I grabbed my phone and called lucy.

After a few rings she answered.

Lucy: tim?

Tim: I fucked up...

Lucy: what?

Tim: I fucked up!

Lucy: ok calm down and tell me what happened

Tim: she came over while Isabel and I were talking about the divorce

Lucy: damnit Tim! I'll have nyla go find her to see if she's ok...

After that she hung up

~•~•~ Roxy's POV~•~•~

I found my spot and grabbed my punching gloves from my bag and put them on. After finding my tree. Its a tree that I set up when arrow died, it has a punching bag hanging from its branch. I strapped the gloves on and started punching.

~•~•~nyla's POV~•~•~

I just got a call from Lucy telling me what happened, I got into my car and started driving to Roxy's spot.

After 40 minutes of driving, I got out of my car and started walking to her tree. I walked for about 7 minutes trying to find her. After a few more minutes I heard a loud painful scream coming from the left of me. I started running towards the scream and when I got there I seen Roxy crying as she punched the punching bag "Rox!" She turned around and looked at me with watery eyes "hey, are you ok?" I asked and she just fell to the ground sobbing "Roxy" I rushed to her side and held her in my arms.

After what felt like all night she finally spoke "why?" Her voiceover e broke as she spoke, I stayed silent and waited for her to continue. "He had her over-" she broke down crying again "c'mon Rox, let's go to my place." I got up and held out my hand for her to take. she took it and I helped her up. We walked to my car and she got in the passenger side.

We were driving for only 5 minutes before she asked for the aux cord, I handed it to her and she plugged it into her phone.

~•~•~Roxy's POV~•~•

I plugged my phone into the aux and played (f/s), I started to sing alone and so did nyla. We started to jam out to my music and soon after we arrived at her place.

She opened the door and let me in first. I quickly go to her kitchen and look for some alcohol. "What are you looking for Rox?" I look up from the fridge "wine? whiskey? rum? anything to be honest." I sign and sit on the floor. I look up at nyla and pat the spot next to me "sit" she comes to sit next to me "whiskey?" She asks and I nod. She gets up and walks to the kitchen island and grabs the whiskey and two glasses. She sits back down and pours two glasses and hands me one. "Thanks" I take the grass from her and sip on it. I start to think about Tim, nyla reaches up to my face and wipes the tears I didn't know was falling. "You ok?" She asks and I look at her "I think I'll be fine." She pulls me in for a hug " hey, its ok not to be ok..." I sniffle a little and wipe my eyes "I know" I get up and grab my phone "I think I should call him and let him explain." I sit back down with her "I think that's a good idea." I go into my contacts and click on Tim's name. After a few rings he answers

Tim: Roxy?

Roxy: ok Tim I want you to explain why your soon to be 'ex wife' was sitting in your living room drinking my wine that I bought for us.

Tim: I'm sorry I know the wine was for us but it was the only thing I had...

Roxy: that's not the point I want to know why she was there.

Tim: she was talking to me about the divorce...

Tim: ...she didn't want it

Roxy: so are you guys getting the divorce or not?

Tim: yes we still are.

Roxy: ok

Tim: can I come over?

Roxy: I'm not home...I'm at nyla's.

Tim: am I on speaker?

Nyla: yes, you are.

Tim: nyla can I come over?

Nyla looks at me and I nod

Nyla: sure Tim but if she starts crying again you're out the door.

Tim: I'll be over in 5

I hung up the phone and waited for tim to arrive


y'all that was a lot I'm sorry but umm might upload more today idk

Word count: 1165

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