We need a little sunshine

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"Tell me," Clarke says, slowly, so Bellamy's sleep-soft mind can comprehend, "why I haven't started my period."

Bellamy looks up, eyes bleary and mouth open. There is drool on her pillow from that stupid mouth, and the tent is pretty much dark. Clarke is not impressed. "Well?"

"Why the fuck would I know?"

Clarke raises an eyebrow, feeling very annoyed. She hasn't been able to sleep the past few days because all she can think about is that she's twenty-three and she's never missed or had a late period in her life thus far. And any reason why she may be late and/or missing her period is...well she really doesn't want to think about it, because she might throw up. On Bellamy, the probably cause for all of this. "Well, you have sex with me, so."

"Uh," Bellamy says, sitting up slightly. She can see his chest from her position over the small pot they have for peeing in. Her legs have begun to shake from squatting. "You're the doctor."

Clarke rolls her eyes and pulls up her underwear, making her way toward the bed. She's probably got another solid hour of tossing and turning before she has to get up. "Thanks, asshole."

"Can you tell me why you're awake at dick o'clock in the morning?" Bellamy huffs, lowering himself back down as she crawls in beside him. He slings an arm over her waist, accidentally bumping her breasts, which are sore. She must be starting her period soon.

Grumbling, Clarke shifts so she's more comfortable.


Three days later, she still hasn't had her period, and Octavia lands a punch right on her boob.

"Ow," Clarke snaps, pressing her hands to her sore breast. "What the hell Octavia!?"

The girl looks shocked that it actually hurt. "Really?"

The soreness makes Clarke bite her lip, and she is actually shocked that it hurts this much. She's been punched in and around the boob before, but it's never hurt this much before, not even while she's on her period. The only thing she can think of is when Lydia got knocked up last spring and her boobs ached for like the first two months. But that can't be the reason Clarke's in pain, because she and Bellamy--

"Fuck right off," Clarke yells, whipping her head around for Bellamy, but she can't find him, so she turns back to Octavia, who looks annoyed now, arms crossed over her chest. "Tell your brother to come and find me when you see him. Tell him to bring a gun so I can kill him."


When she and Bellamy had first started having sex, they'd been really careful. Clarke didn't have any sort of contraception, but the Grounders had a recipe that they used after having sex that removed any chance of the female getting pregnant. The tea tasted like crap, but Clarke drank it almost religiously. Bellamy usually pulled out, but Clarke wasn't looking to get pregnant any time soon (or in the future, really).

So she should have known when she didn't started her period that first day that she was pregnant. Especially since she was pretty sure that when she and Bellamy had sex the night Octavia was officially deemed a Grounder Warrior, with a huge ceremony and party with several other seconds, Bellamy didn't pull out, and she didn't drink any tea the next morning.

This is what they got for having sex while fucked up on Grounder alcohol.

Clarke is pacing when Bellamy slips into their tent, cheeks red from the sun and hair sweaty from helping the others put up a new tent. He looks concerned. Clarke wonders how he'll look when she tells him.

"What's up?" He asks, standing there with his hands on his hips and his shirt partially undone. He probably thinks he looks so cool. "Princess? Are you okay?"

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