Anytime princess

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Not my story

"You...and my brother? Did you hear them talking about you two?" Octavia laughed back, barely capable of releasing words between the obnoxious chuckles falling from her mouth. "They think that you two are secretly together, or are going to get together, I don't even know because I heard the words and laughter followed and then everything after that was a blur."

"Oh my god, Octavia," Clarke groaned, rolling her eyes again and turning her line of sight onto her. "It isn't that funny."

"It's hilarious! These girls think you and my brother could date."

"Do you really think that highly of your brother that I'm not even capable of being seen as a romantic interest? Am I trash or something?" Clarke questioned, the anger creeping into her words.

"Not the point, Clarke," Octavia replied. "I'm just saying that you really aren't my brother's type."

"And his type is...?" she prompted, stopping in her tracks as they finally reached the medics tent. Octavia came to a stop besides her, eyeing her cautiously before responding.

"Clarke, it's a compliment. You're way too smart to put up with his shit. I have to go find Lincoln, see you later."

Octavia wandered off, and Clarke ended up infinitely more confused than she had been started.

"I just worry about the amount of time Clarke spends with him," Abby stated, and Bellamy stopped in his tracks and looked around the corner. Raven was sitting on the table and Abby was doing something to her leg, and Bellamy knew his name had never been distinctly stated, but she couldn't help but feel like the conversation had something to do with him.

"Bellamy is...a good guy, at the base of everything," Raven assured her. "Plus, from what I've seen, they always make a great pair. I would try not to worry too much."

"I'm her mother, easier said than done," she replied.

"I just don't know if he's the best influence on her, that's all." Bellamy tried his best not to be offended, but the words got underneath his skin and thoroughly pissed him off. All of the work he had done to change his bad ways, all the guilt he had dealt with, and here someone who didn't even really know him that well felt like they had the right to say he was a bad influence.

Truthfully, Bellamy didn't want to hear any more, so he pushed his way back out of the tent and away from the conversation. Which led him to run straight into...

"Clarke," he announced.

Clarke's mind was clearly in another place as it took her several seconds to comprehend that Bellamy had said something to her. She looked up slowly before catching his eyes, and then the dam seemed to open and the flood came out.

"I'm, I'm..." Clarke trailed off, the anger seeming to almost crackle through her hair. Her whole body tensed up, and if Bellamy wasn't so infuriated himself right now, he would probably find the sight comical.

"Pissed?" he offered.

"Pissed," she agreed. "Your sister thinks I'm not good enough for you which, no offense, if anyone is above the other in our fake relationship I am definitely on a higher level and how dare she think it so ludicrous that someone like you could like me. I'm a catch," she rattled off. Clarke's annoyance brought a sort of nonsensical nature to her words that did bring the smallest of smirks to his features before he remembered his own feelings.

"Your mom worries about the time you spend with me," he added. "She thinks I'm probably a bad influence, which I am not. What does she think we're doing together? Murdering children? Am I constantly trying to proposition you for sexual favors? How am I that bad of an influence that she has genuine concern about you being in just the same room as me."

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