I forgot my sleepingbag

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Not my story

Bellamy wanted to punch Octavia in the face.

"O, can I please just stay here? I don't want to third-wheel your camping trip with Lincoln," he groaned, and Octavia smirked, shoving a towel into her suitcase. "Oh, but you won't be alone, because I'm bringing Clarke, too," she said indignantly.

Bellamy blinked. Octavia must have been talking about her new college roommate, who was a pre-med student and was, apparently, according to Octavia, "burdened with glorious purpose". Bellamy had never formally met her, but he guessed Clarke didn't know he was coming from Octavia's smirk.

"Fine. I'll go pack," he muttered, stomping up to his room and trying to block out the excited squeals eliciting from his sister's mouth.


Lincoln had picked them up at 5:00 on the dot, and they drove to Clarke's house in silence. Bellamy was staring out the window, moody that he had been kicked to the backseat in favor of Octavia sitting shotgun and handling the radio.

They pulled up to a small blue house with yellow windows, and a girl, who must have been Clarke, was trying to tug her things out of the door and down the cement stairs while a slightly older woman with long blonde hair helped her.

She was beautiful.

Bellamy couldn't stop staring at her as Octavia and Lincoln jumped out, and he moved as if he was stuck in molasses. She had wavy shoulder-length blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a wide, apologetic smile plastered on her face as she gave Octavia a hug, and then Lincoln.

Bellamy stood at the car, resting back on the closed door and watched Clarke and his sister exchange excited comments about the trip, and Octavia waved back at the woman who had helped Clarke, who must have been her mother.

That's when Clarke bumped into him with a small squeak, and his hands went to her waist to steady her.

Bellamy looked down and smirked, since that was the best he could do when his insides felt like they'd been tied in knots. "I'm Octavia's older brother, Bellamy," he said, and Clarke nodded, her lips forming a small 'o' shape and her blue eyes still wide in surprise. Octavia walked over and practically punched Bellamy's shoulder, causing him to wince and let go of Clarke's hips (which he completely forgot he was still holding on to).

Everyone piled into the car, and Bellamy resumed his scroll through Twitter, sighing to himself as Octavia cranked the radio up and tried to sing along to it. Clarke had pulled out a book and started reading, while Lincoln's eyes tried to stay on the road instead of his rambunctious girlfriend.

This was going to be a long ride.


By the time they arrived at the campsite, the sun was just setting, the sky ablaze with pretty oranges and pinks. Octavia took a picture of it and then forced Bellamy into taking a picture of her and Lincoln underneath it. Clarke chuckled at that, and Bellamy rolled his eyes as he took it.

Then came the setting up of the tents, which was a whole other adventure since Octavia had thrown away the directions. Lincoln had reprimanded her about it, and while the "lovely couple" were arguing, Bellamy and Clarke set up their tent.

Bellamy's stomach felt warm as he thought about how he was sharing a tent with Clarke. Jesus, he'd only just met her and he was getting a hard-on for her? He smacked himself in the face inwardly and repeatedly as Clarke mumbled out the directions to herself from her phone. Finally, the tent was erected, and Clarke smirked over at Octavia, who had somehow managed to get herself stuck in the tent cloth.

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