Theese kind of mornings

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Not my story
Bellamy leaned his full weight on Clarke, his arm slung across her shoulders as they struggled up the front steps of the house. Clarke positioned him in front of porch swing and eased him down. He rocked a little- slumped back, head rolling.
Clarke snickered to herself quietly as she pulled the keys out and let herself into this house, she set her purse down on the kitchen counter and let the babysitting know they were home.
She handed Harper a wad of bills, "Thanks again, Harper. We'll call you about next weekend- did you need a ride home?"
"No, ma'am, my sister is on her way- do you need any help with Mr. G?"
Clarke smiled, "Ha, no, I think I can manage. Thanks, have a good night."
Harper nodded and headed for the door- Clarke following to retrieve her husband from the porch.
She leaned over to help Bellamy back to his feet, and he resisted a little, "C'mon, Bell, we're home."
"No- you're home."
"Yes, I am," Clarke sighed.
Bellamy was dragging his feet and they stumbled over the entrance way. Bellamy rocked a little as they made their way down the hall towards the master bedroom, bumping into the table littered with family photos and sending them flying onto the floor.
"Shh!" He whispered loudly, finger held to his mouth as he looked at Clarke incredulously.
"Oh, yes, my bad," she rolled her eyes.
"You are very beautiful, did you know that?" He slurred, "Don't tell my wife!" He remembered suddenly, nearly knocking over the lamp next to their bed as Clarke bent down in front of him to untie his shoes.
Clarke heard a faint giggling from behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see Noah had appeared by the door.
"What are you doing up?" She whispered.
"I was thirsty!"
Clarke tried to suppress her smile, Noah was eleven already- too smart for his own good and too much like his father for her to even deal with.
Noah remained in the doorway laughing as Clarke struggled with an increasingly incoherent Bellamy- until Clarke gave up and left him muttering things to himself as he fell asleep.
The next morning, Clarke's side of the bed was already empty and Bellamy's head was pounding. He shuffled to the kitchen, follow his nose to the breakfast cooking and coffee brewing. He was prepared for Clarke to yell at him for being irresponsibly wasted and he braced himself as he cleared his throat to announce his presence.
"Morning, sunshine." Clarke spun around, apron around her waist and reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek before returning to the pan of scrambled eggs on the stove. "Coffee's ready- help yourself."
Bellamy was confused. He couldn't remember what happened- but he knew Clarke was never a fan of him getting carried away with the drinking and having to come pick him up from the boys night out, especially on her own girls night out.
She was humming and Bellamy grabbed a hot mug of coffee and went in search of his children, whom he knew were glued to Saturday morning cartoons in the living room.
He plopped onto the end of the couch- Noah had his handheld video game device and Mattie was sprawled out on her stomach on the floor engrossed in some sort of talking animal cartoon. Noah turned to look at him, a smug knowing grin plastered on his face. This kid was too much like him.
Bellamy stared at him, narrowing his eyes, searching for some indication that Noah knew what had happened.
Noah finally snorted and looked back at his device.
"Did you hear mom and I come in last night?"
"Was I complete idiot?"
"Is that why I'm still wearing my clothes from dinner?"
"Uhhh-huh." His eyes never left the screen.
Bellamy blinked, "What happened, Noah."
"Mom tried to undress you and you slapped her hands and yelled, 'Go away, I'm married!'"
"Thanks kid," Bellamy groaned, and ruffled Noah's hair before getting back to his feet and plodding back to the kitchen.
Clarke was at the sink now, washing dishes, and Bellamy came up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist.
He kissed in her hair, "I'm sorry about last night."
He felt her vibrate against him, "Oh, you were very honorable. You were very adamant about having a wife."
"Yes, I have a very sexy wife." He leaned over, kissing the soft spot below her ear as she moan softly.
"Ew, get a room," Bellamy let out a big laugh and turned to chase his mini-me out of the kitchen, scooping him up and throwing him on the couch.
Clarke smiled, it was these kind of mornings she lived for.

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