Conquering fear

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We transition to Godzilla taking a solo exploring in a jungle

Godzilla(Narrating): Gabara wasn't far behind and was closing in on me, he thought i was easy picking. And for a few minutes, i was...

Godzilla: *hears the noise* Mothra? Anguirus? 

Gabara: *steps out of the bushes and roars*

Godzilla: Ah! *steps back afraid*

Gabara: I like it when their scared

Godzilla: I am..I am...

Gabara: Cowardly and weak? Just the way i like it!

Gabara reached forth and grabbed Godzilla, a mass surge of electrical energy erupted from Gabara, electrocuting Godzilla, he roared in pain and was pushed back by Gabara.

Godzilla: I'm not..weak...Papa, help me..!

Gabara: *grabs him and electrocutes him again* This is way too much fun!

Gabara then gave Godzilla a nasty punch, knocking him down to the ground out cold, in his mind he recalled a memory of his father.

Dagon spewed a mighty beam of atomic energy from his mouth into the sky while Godzilla looked on in amazement

Godzilla: Papa..when can i be able to do that?

Dagon: *looks down* When you are old enough and strong enough, the atomic breath is the most powerful attack our species had. Be warned, it can be a most dangerous attack only use it to protect.

Godzilla: Okay, papa

Dragon: It will come to you when ready, but use it wisely my son.

The short flashback ended with another painful electric shock from Gabara as he cackled.

Godzilla: ENOUGH!!!

The infant let out a flash of blue energy from his spines, stunning Gabara

Gabara: Ugh! What?!

Godzilla roared at him with his spines glowing blue

Gabara: Oh, so you wanna play? *His body sparks*

Godzilla: I, Prince Of The Monsters demand you leave me be!

Gabara: We were just getting started!

Gabara roared sparking with electricity as Godzilla's spines glowed

Godzilla: And you were warned! Take this!!

For the first time, Godzilla fired a beam of blue energy straight at Gabara, blasting him into a tree. For a small Titan, Godzilla let out a tough roar, Gabara was so terrified he ran....

We transition back to Godzilla smiling.

Godzilla: After that, Gabara never bothered us again

Komodithrax: So, what next?

Godzilla: What next? Well, at that point i was near the end of my adolescent years as the growth spurts were kicking in, which brings me to one final chapter....

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