Chapter 3:

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The following Friday school was a buzz because of the College Acceptance Banquet to be held that evening.

"You never told us what school you're going to." Aria looked up at me from the book she was indulging in.

I shuffled uncomfortably on the bench, one of the many strewn across the quad, "Well I'm more interested in our newest anteater and her plans at Irvine."

Aria scrunched her nose as Samantha smacked my arm playfully.

"Seriously, why won't you tell us?" Bradley asked picking absentmindedly at the lunch tray in front of him.

I could feel irritation creeping up on me and I had to bite my cheek down hard to stop myself from bursting.

"You guys will find out tonight, along with everyone else." I stated standing up and heading towards my locker. I hated keeping secrets from them but they couldn't find out yet.

I had already told my parents about Harvard's future alumni but I had yet to tell Leo. He was not everyone else and I couldn't let him find out from someone else. That's why I've been being so careful because one slip and I would be the headline of every online magazine and Leo would be heartbroken.

After school as I walked home I dialed Leo numbers only to go to voicemail, his phone was off.

I fiddled my thumbs across the screen and contemplated texting him. No I couldn't text him, this had to be done in person.

Once home I searched my bag for my house keys and pulled them out along with all the papers and notebooks I had.

My homework assignments, senior project, and college papers scattered across the porch. I bent down to quickly pick them up when my front door opened.

I looked up into a pair of familiar brown, hazel eyes. I didn't know whether to jump into his arms or run away.

"Leo." I gasped standing up and shoving the papers into my bag.

"Here let me help you." He offered reaching for some of the papers.

I scanned the floor and saw a Harvard freshmen welcome letter within the pages of my Economics packet.

"No! It's okay!" I practically yelped snatching the papers from his grasp and shoving them messily into the other crumpled papers in my purse.

He stopped and glanced me up and down. Confusion laced through his brows as he took a step back.

"I'm sorry Leo," I tried apologizing not knowing what to say,"I guess it's just stress from school, I don't know."

"I just thought you'd be glad to see me." He muttered placing his left hand on his neck.

"What? No, I am!" I said taking a step toward him.

He held the door open and lead me inside the house. Of course my parents weren't home but the keys in the plate above the drawer revealed they were in on Leo's surprise arrival.

"I just wasn't expecting you for a couple more weeks!" I exclaimed tossing my purse into the coat closet near the front door.

"I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to be there when they call out your name for UCLA and hand you that blue and yellow hoodie."

My stomach instantly dropped and my legs wobbled underneath me.

"For UCLA, we have Karla Sanders!" He smiled widely pretending to be tonight's speaker.

Before I could even try to stop him, from imagining our lives together, he pulled a bag from his suitcase. The familiar logo shattered my voice and left me mute.

"If that hoodie isn't to your liking there's always this one." Leo continued pulling out the UCLA gear and bringing it on and over my head.

Once I was wearing it he kissed me, the grin on his lips evident as they were pressed against mine.

He then proceeded to pull me onto the couch and tell me all about our new apartment. He showed me pictures on his phone of a beige living room with wooden accents. A steel, clean kitchen with a island table made of marble. The one bedroom we would share.

Before I knew it we were no longer talking. His arms were wrapped around my waist and his mouth was caressing my neck and jaw line.

My heart felt heavy and guilt pervaded everyone of my senses, until I felt I was suffocating. I pulled back as I gasped for air and Leo lurched backwards to give me space.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting a hand on my back to calm me down.

Before I had a chance to speak the door opened to reveal my mother in the doorway.

"Mind helping me with the groceries?" She called out behind two giant paper bags before setting them down.

I took one last shaky breath and smiled softly, "Yeah, of course."

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