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Becky's Pov

"Rebecca darling are you done yet?"

I heard mom calling from downstairs, i quickly went down to the kitchen. Hi, i'm Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. A 4th year high school student at Horizon Academy. I'm half thai and british, my mommy is thai while daddy is british.

"Goodmorning mama." I said and kissed her cheeks.

"Goodmorning darling, excited for today?" Mom asked.

"Very excited, i think i'm gonna eat breakfast at school." I said while checking my bag.

"Bring some snacks, i made your favorite sandwich. 2 for you and 1 for each of your friends." Mom said, giving me 6 sandwiches.

"Thank you mama, your the best! I love you." I said, hugging her.

"My princess has really grown up."

Dad is coming down from upstairs. They love to call me darling or princess.

"Goodmorning papa. I'm still your princess." I said, while hugging him.

"My princess is going to college soon." Dad said.

"Our princess is really popular in the academy dad. I saw some boys giving her flowers and chocolates last year. Hi sis." Richie said coming from the living room.

That's Richie my brother who just came back from our branch company in england. He graduated from the academy last year and he quickly went to work in the company. Dad has a clothing company named Style Prime, one of the big companies here in thailand. We also have other branches around the world.

"When did you arrived bro?" I asked.

"Just this morning sis and papa i'll drive becky to the academy." Richie said.

"Sure kiddo. I have a meeting with some new business partners today, go to the company afterwards. I'll try to be home before dinner princess." Dad said.

"That's okay papa, i have plans with my friends after class." I said.

"Richie will pick you up after your plans with your friends darling." Mom said.

"Yes mama, richie my driver." I said teasing my brother.

"Really your teasing me rebecca patricia." Richie said.

"You tease me first." I said.

"Both of you stop teasing each other, richie be kind to your sister and rebecca your gonna be late." Mom said.

"Yes mama." We both said.

"Wait for me in the car brother, i forgot something in my room." I said.

I quickly went to my room to get the hoodie and went to the car.

"Let's go." I said.

"As you wish our princess." Richie said.

I played some music from my phone while richie's driving. I looked at the hoodie.

"That's really important to you. Is the person important also?" Richie asked.

"Yes. I didn't get to see her face because of the cap and mask but i know she's a girl and the same year as me because she's not wearing a uniform." I said.

I told my family what happened that day.

"For more than 1 year i thought you already met uno again. Lucky person to be important to my little sister." Richie said smiling.

"Not yet personally but i always see their performances at the televisions around the academy. I'm their first fan after all." I said.

"Maybe you'll finally meet uno personally this year. I believe in perfect timing." Richie said.

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