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Billy's Pov

Why does freen have to get everything i have. First the girl that i like during elementary, second the popularity just because of her kindness and third she got my becky. I always see them together with their friends. I should be the one beside becky.

After the scene at the canteen, i tried not to make a scene for a while. We had a team dinner, non brought her friends and also freen's gang. I just look at becky from afar while she's smiling happily for freen, i want her to smile like that to me too.

"Billy will you not stop getting becky back?" Dew asked.

"Your hurting yourself too much." Opp said.

We're now in the parking lot, i can see the lanai where they are still there.

"I'm here billy." Ging said.

"I'm not in the mood ging, what did you try to do that to becky?" I said.

"I didn't do anything." Ging said.

"Becky said you tried to slap her ging. Stop lying to me!" I said.

I pinned her in the side of my car.

"Bro don't hurt her, that's a girl." Opp said.

"Does she know how hurt i am right now because of her? I lost my girl!" I said.

"It's also your fault, you had becky but what did you do? You cheated bro." Dew said.

"Now it's my fault? Freen takes everything i have, i treated her like a sister back then. Now she is my enemy." I said.

"How selfish of you billy. We know the truth back then, your blinded by your popularity, jealousy and pride for being rich." Dew said.

"Dew stop it, let's leave him be. We'll take ging home." Opp said.

"I wish non was the captain instead of you." Dew said.

They left while i'm all alone now, i just drove home. When i went inside the house, it's quiet like usual. I went to my room.

"Becky why can't you accept me again? I'm sorry i cheated." I said, holding our picture together.


"Here's our rising star! Congrats billy!" Coach said.

I was the only first year who had made it to the starting line up and now we're in the finals because of me.

"Thanks coach, i won't let you down." I said.

"Congrats billy." Non said.

"Thanks non." I said.

I know non, one of becky's friend. Speaking of becky, my girl is calling.

"Hi baby, we're going to the finals." I said.

"Congrats baby, i'm so proud of you." She said.

"How about we have dinner tonight?" I said.

"Sorry babe i can't, i have lots of school works left." She said.

"Please i miss you." I said.

"We just seen each other yesterday baby, i'm stuck with my school works that i left out during our dates remember?" She said.

"Oh right, sorry baby. I'll see you tomorrow then. I love you." I said.

"I love you too, rest up baby bye." She said.

She ended the call.

"Your friend is busy tonight non." I said.

"Yeah, she's been busy every night after your dates." Non said.

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