Not Pretty Enough

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A few tears fell after I scrolled through TikTok. All these pretty girls, and Harry chose me.

I wasn't really the beauty standard. Brown eyes, small breasts, no curves, stretch marks all over my legs and arms, I didn't have a big stomach; it just kind of popped out, my nose was big, flat butt, and I have thin eyebrows that make me look like a 40-year-old mom.

Harry always told me I was perfect no matter what, but I always feel like he's lying to me. I don't understand why he would fall for someone like me when there's way prettier women he can go for.

His slogan is Treat People with Kindness, but I don't know how he can he treat my disgusting self with it.

I've always avoided going on TikTok and Instagram because I'd see all these pretty girls, perfect amount of curves, colorful eyes, big breasts, flat stomachs, big butts, no stretch marks, literally the exact opposite of what I am.

Today I just decided to try and scroll for fun, but it didn't end well.

I was crying  on the bathroom floor, wondering why I couldn't be pretty like them.

I was thinking about cutting myself. I hadn't done it much when I was younger, as I had a very good family.

But after my dad's death, I used eating as a way to cope and gained a lot of weight.

Then, I found Harry. He was so nice to me and I fell in love instantly. He told me I was perfect.

All these thoughts circled in my head and I grabbed a razor I found and sliced my skin, crying even harder because the pain.

Harry never said something negative about my weight or how I looked.

I've thought about losing weight and his response was always, "Whatever would be best for you, darling. But, remember that you're perfect no matter what."

I didn't deserve someone so nice.

I heard the front door open and quickly put the razor down and closed the bathroom door, locking it.

"Hey, y/n! I'm home." He yelled.

I quickly cleaned the cut and put a bandage on it, then threw the razor away. I quickly used a towel to dry my tears and put a little foundation on to hide that I was crying.

He knocked on the bathroom door, "Y/n? Are you in there." "Yes!" I shot back, "One second, I'm going to the bathroom." I lied.

"Alright." I heard him say. After blending the foundation well enough, I open the door.

"You look very beautiful," he remarks, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you. You look handsome," I complimented back.

"Y/n... show me your wrist," he asked, pulling away from the hug. God, how did he know."Why?" I questioned.

"I can see the blood on your dress." He said. I look down and there's blood all on my dress, right where my wrist was. Oh shoot, I thought.

I gave him my wrist, sobbing loudly. "Love, why would you do this?" He scoffed. "I'm not pretty! Why would you ever want to be with a unattractive, plain-looking, rat like me?!" I shout at him.

He looks shocked that I said that, "Y/n! Stop that, you are the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he started, "why would you ever say that."

"Well, I went on TikTok and saw all these pretty girls," I cried to him. "Darling..." he trailed off, "social media, specifically TikTok, is fake as it gets. Don't compare yourself to some chick with 10000 filters on and 10 pounds of makeup on top of it."

"I know but... I wish I looked that pretty with makeup." I admitted. "Y/n, stop it. You're the prettiest woman with it without makeup."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, still crying.

"No, listen to me, you need no makeup." He smiled. "I don't believe you." I mumbled. "You don't have to believe me." He said.

"Now, to get your mind off of all this, let's watch a movie, beautiful. I'll order us food too." He murmured. "Alright." I replied.

He put his arm around me and kissed my head. "I love you, sweetheart." He stated, "I love you too, Harry," I respond.

I really didn't deserve him.

Word count: 743

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