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Request from blazingmoonshine  🤍
yall are cousins in this!:) also, Harry and you are both 17 years old in this haha.

My parents wanted me to spend the night at my cousin, y/n's, house. I never really knew her, she was always quiet.

Whenever we would go to the family dinners I remember her always being mad at her parents, she would always scream, "YOU ARENT MY PARENTS!" In the other room while we were eating dinner.

It made no sense, considering they birthed her. I never questioned it because it's not really my business and i never really talked to her.

We pulled up to her house. It was pretty big, I think we had a few family dinners here because it looked familiar.

"Make sure to get all your stuff," my mom said. "I will," I replied.

We parked on a dirt path that led to a garage and got out.

"Make sure to be nice to y/n and don't ignore her," my dad told me, "she's already in a bad place, Harry."

I nodded, "Ok, Dad."

I brought my bags up to the doorstep and knocked. A tall, slim lady opened the door, "Well hello, Harry." I recognized her, she was y/n's mom.

"Hi." I say, smiling.

"Come in," she starts, "Y/n is upstairs." She tells me.

I walk upstairs and hear crying coming from one of the rooms. I drop my bags where they were and slightly opened the door, making a squeaky noise. Now she knows I'm here.

"Who's there and what do you want," she remarked. "It's me, Harry," I say. "Well go away, I don't want you here." She sobs, "I don't want anyone here."

I came into her room, it's as pink as can be. Pink must be her favorite color.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting on a chair across from her.

"Why would you care?" She snaps at me.

"Well, cause you're my cousin. We haven't really talked a lot, but you still are my cousin." I state.

"You wouldn't understand," she sniffles, "it's personal.

"Well... if you want to talk I'm here." I grin.


"Well... if you want to talk I'm here." He grins with that ugly smile of his.

I didn't want him to come over, it's not that I hate him, just ew. We never really talked growing up and I never really planned to talk to him.

He had this dream of becoming a popstar. Pathetic. Like that was ever gonna happen.

I didn't want to tell him why I was crying because it's really personal. I was adopted when I was 4 because I was abused and neglected.

I didn't share this into with anyone but close friends because... it's something that I want little people to know about.

He was just walking around, fiddling with all my items.

"You know it's rude to touch people's stuff without asking?" I shot at him.

"Oh sorry. We're cousins so I didn't think it was too big of a deal," I just rolled my eyes at his excuse, "you really haven't had many friends, have you?" I asked him.

"Not many," he laughed, quickly rubbing his eyes so he wouldn't cry.

"So what do you do in your free time, Harry?" His face lights up, "Oh no... here we go." I whisper.

"Well, I like singing a lot! I do it all the time. I've had a dream of being a popstar!" He exclaims.

"Yes, you've told me that." I scoff, "Have fun with that." "What do you do, y/n?" He questioned.

"I like to write stuff," I mutter, "what stuff?" He wanted to know. "Oh... it's called smut, you wouldn't be interested."I giggle.

"Oh ok...." He trails off, "Well! What should we do first?" "First, you should get out of my room! Bye!" I yell.

"Y/n.... where will I go?" He frowns. "I don't know... you tell me!" I spat.

"Is something wrong, y/n...?" He sees I'm quietly sobbing. "No, I'm fine." I lie.

"I don't think so. You look sad...." He sits next to me on my bed and pulls me into an awkward side hug. "What's wrong?" He mumbles. "You wouldn't understand." I tell him.

"No, no, no. Just tell me." He starts to tear up slightly.

"You may know this," I began, "but I'm adopted. My birth parents abused and neglected me." I cried into his shoulder.

"Awww, y/n.... I'm so sorry." He sad with a sad tone, "If you don't mind me asking, what's they do to you?"

"Well, I remember coming home everyday from school, which was already hell, and then they would hit or throw things at me if I didn't do certain stuff. Like if I didn't do my homework by 8pm or didn't clean the bathroom when they said, so they would hurt me...." I sighed.

Harry immediately pulled me into a hug, "Y/n... I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to be." I responded. "I know, but I still am." Harry said.

"Whatever," I mumbled under my breath.

I spent the next hour telling Harry everything. I felt a little better after telling him what I've been through.

"Wow, y/n. I'm so sorry, I never knew. But this is really inspiring." He said. "Yeah," I spoke.

"Well, what should we do? You're gonna be here until tomorrow morning." I uttered.

"Maybe we could get to know each other more... or write whatever smut stuff you write," i laughed, "it would be better if you just left the writing to me."

"Oh well, we could write a song," he suggested, "I'd love that." I smiled.

The next 7 hours we just talked about life and got to know each other really good, until my mom knocked on my door and told us to go to bed.

"Time for bed, guys. It's 1 in the morning." She croaked, she sounded like she had just been sleeping and had woken up.

"Ughh, whyyyy." Harry and I groaned, "we're having so much fun talking, though!" I exclaimed. "Yeah well, you woke me up. Bed. Now." She demanded.

"Fineeeee." I moan. "Harry you sleep on the couch right there," I point to the couch by my bed, "here's some blankets," I hand him 3 blankets, "And here's a pillow."

"Wow, y/n. Thank you so much!" He beamed. "Of course!" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek(like a friendly kind of one, not SWEET HOME ALABAMA. Sorry i had to...😭) ans he blushed. "Goodnight, Harry," I speak, "goodnight, y/n." I hear him say, half asleep.

I couldn't wait for him to come over more often.

As i said, this was a request:) so hope you enjoyed!
Also, i didn't proofread so sorry for any spelling mistakes!!
Word count:1146

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