Panic attack

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This imagine was requested by this lovely person on the last one <3(lopsided heart🤭😝🤪)They deleted their comment it seems, but I still wanted to do this!!TW: Panic attack——————————-I woke up to my alarm clock going off

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This imagine was requested by this lovely person on the last one <3(lopsided heart🤭😝🤪)
They deleted their comment it seems, but I still wanted to do this!!
TW: Panic attack
I woke up to my alarm clock going off. Today was my job interview, I was really nervous, as I have never really been interviewed before. My alarm woke up Harry, who was next to me. "Good morning, Love." Harry said in his tired, morning voice. "Good morning, Harry." I replied. "Why did you set your alarm for so early?" He asked, "Well, because today is my interview." "That's right!" He remembered. "I need to get ready now." I remarked.

I walked into our closet, I had already picked out my outfit. It was just a basic black suit, nothing special.

After putting my outfit on, I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready

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After putting my outfit on, I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready.

I really didn't have a plan for my hair or makeup. Probably just some mascara and lipgloss since it was just an interview. I spit out my tooth paste and began doing my hair. I just put it into a basic low ponytail. The more and more I was closer to being ready, the worse I felt. I was just SO nervous.

I started applying my makeup and started to cry, thinking of all the bad things that could happen. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm ugly? What if  I don't get the job? What if I mess up and stutter over my words? It was a little harder for me to breathe, I've had a big history of panic attacks and didn't wanna have one RIGHT before my interview.

All of the sudden my mouth felt dry and I started shaking. I felt nauseous. My heartbeat sped up. "HARRY!" I yelled, before I became breathless and started hyperventilating.

He came into the bathroom. "Y/n?! Are you ok???" I just stared at him. "I think that's a no." He quickly put my on the counter and held me in his arms.

"Babe, why are you so nervous?" He questioned, "is it because of your interview?" Me, still breathless, just nodded my head. "Awww, Love. I'll be right outside the room you'll be in." Harry said, trying to comfort me, "You're going to be all ok."

"A-a-are y-you s-sure...?" I stuttered, trying to calm my breathing. "Yes." He responded. "If they don't like you, then they're definitely missing out on a hardworking, beautiful woman." Harry spoke.

"Maybe y-you're right...." I trailed off. "I am right." Harry giggled. "Now, let's clean you up and get ready to go." He happily sighed. "Alright." I agreed.

Word count: 471

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