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Request from @blazingmoonshine

Harry was on a stupid business trip, again... I was so tired of him always being gone, he wasn't supposed to be back until Sunday. It was Wednesday.

I was folding my clothes and putting them away. I needed to go to bed, it was 10pm, but I wanted to call Harry before I went to sleep.

I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick up. Weird. His location was turned off. Dang it. I was a Little worried, but I just hoped he was busy with his Harry's House interview. That's what he called it at least.

I was always scared to be home alone at night because I always had a fear of someone breaking in.

I heard a car pull up in the drive way. I started panicking a little. We didn't live by friends nor family. Harry was still on his trip.

I quickly whipped my phone out and called Harry. No answer. I tried to text. No answer.

The person struggled to open the front door, but eventually, after what sounded like punching at it, they finally opened the front door.

It sounded like the person was getting closer and closer to me...

I didn't want to scare them. I got home early from a business trip and was gonna suprise them with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolate.

I heard them in the closet, they seemed worried.

I tried to open the door, but they were blocking it. They eventually were too weak and the closet door flew open.

They started hyperventilating. I set the chocolate and flowers down, "It's just me, Love," I kiss their head.

"Oh, Harry," they mumbled under their breath, gripping my shoulder, "you scared me, Darling."

"I know, and I'm sorry," i start, "breathe with me, deep breaths."

We breathe and they are eventually calmed down, "I thought you weren't supposed to get back til Sunday?" They said.

"I know, I got back early," I smiled.

"Well, I'm happy you did, Harry," they grabbed my tie and took it off for me while giving me a big grin.

I'm so glad to be home

Word count: 370

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