When We Were Kids

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Y/n was sitting on a bench near the park, til a short, brown haired boy came up to her, "Hewwo, I'm hawwy," he had a pretty thick British accent.

"Hi, I'm y/n," she spoke. "I have a fwower for you," he hands her a fresh-picked daisy. "Fank you!" Y/n smiled.

"How owd are you?" Harry asked, "I 5 years old," y/n exclaimed. "How owd are you?" She wanted to know. "Im 6!" He yelled," Can we be fwiends?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah!" Y/n smiled with a toothless grin. "Wanna go pway?" Harry said, y/n nodded and he grabbed her hand.

After playing for quite a while, y/n heard her mom, "Time to go, y/n!" Her mom shouted. "Awwww, I have to go, bye hawwy!" She was a little sad, knowing she'd never see him again, or at least, she thought so.

"Bye, y/n," he said. "Hug?" Harry requested, y/n tilted her head, "Yeah!"

"Y/n, come on!" Her mom screamed. "Bye...." Y/n looked down in disappointment. "Bye," he frowned. "Wait!" She murmured.

She went up to him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "I wuv you," y/n giggled. "I wuv you more," Harry chuckled back.

Until they meet again....

Word count: 218

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