Chapter 11: The X-Men

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Tony's POV

I paced back and forth in the penthouse as I waited for Rhodey to hear back from his base. I was so worried about Selena. I started to blame myself for not taking her with me as I knew I should have. I had changed into a pair of black jeans with a pair of black converse high top and a red t-shirt. As I pace I stroke my goatee thinking of ways to get Selena back. I start to feel myself get panicky and I could only think of all the horrible things that they could be doing to Selena and it will be all my fault. Rhodey came back into the room and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Miami, Florida. She is in Miami that is where their base is and the home of Killian is also located." I felt myself calm down slowly, but still feel very shaky.

"We need to get their now. I have to save her and put a stop to this. Killian has gone too far this time." I said as I swing my arms out to call forth my suit. As my suit pieces itself on me I hear a thump coming from the helipad. Rhodey hears it too and takes out his gun and points it to the entrance from outside.

I hold up my repulsors and ready to fire them towards the people that might come to hurt me.

"No need to be frighten Tony. We are allies." I heard a man's voice in my head. What the fuck? I saw as a man in a wheelchair came in with two other men. The man in the wheelchair was wearing a grey suit with a white dress shirt and blue tie. Another man was in a black leather jumpsuit and matching boots with a pair of weird glasses on his face. The other man was in a pair of ripped jeans with a white tank top and brown leather jacket and matching boots. Then there was a woman with them. She was African American with white long hair. She had on a black tight leather suit that showed her every curve. She was wearing high heeled boots and had on a silver cape that draped down her back.

"Rhodey, did you invite the circus?" I look at Rhodey from inside my suit.

"Sir. They are a team of mutants called X-Men." X-Men. X-Men. I heard that name before.

"Mr. Stark my name is Charles Xavier. I am here with information about Ms. Selena Acevedo." He said as he moved his automatic wheelchair closer to me. I lift my face mask up to look at the short bald man in front of me.

"Wheels, please don't mess with me. I have been through hell these last few months and today someone I care about was taken from me. If you have information then spill."


I was sitting there taking in the whole situation that I have just been told.

"Mr. Stark I know it's a lot to take in, but this information is important to know with taking on Dark Phoenix." Wheels said as I sit there in silence with my hand over my mouth.

"We are here to help you with this situation. We have battled Dark Phoenix before and in this case we are able to help you, Starkie." Logan said as he smoked a cigar next to Storm as they both leaned against the bar counter.

"Starkie? Really Logan?" Storm said as she shakes her head and moves to sit next to me and places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"So, you are saying Sel had this power inside of her all this time and is now awaken due to Extermis. Now instead of Phoenix it is Dark Phoenix that has taken over her body and is under the control of Killian. This force is able to even destroy worlds on its own. As well as possessing the power of fire and maybe even the power of former X-Men Jean Grey." I said as I look at the four mutants and Rhodey standing around me.

"That is correct, Tony." Scott said as he looked at my Mark 42 suit that was sitting in the middle of the living room. This was so much to take in. It was even hard to believe that this could be possible.

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