Cat Got Your Tongue? Part 2

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He's humming. Simon Snow is fucking humming. And he won't shut up.

Why is this a problem? Because it's cute.

No, I remind myself, it's disrespectful to propel who are actually trying to study instead of doodling the recipe for Sour Cherry Scones in the margins of their scribbled notes. Yes, I watch Simon doodle, obviously because I can't help it when he's being so annoying.

I try not to think about it, I fail. So I close my text book and check it at his head.

"Shut Up, Snow." I yell just as the heavy book slams into the back of his head.

He turns around looking surprised and hurt. I want to tell him that I wouldn't have to take such measures if I thought there was any other way to shut him up. I could ask him nicely but I'm not sure what would happen: he would either be shocked into stopping and become suspicious or just hum louder. Both are bad.

He huffs and turns back to his work. I'm surprised that he still hasn't resumed after a few minutes. I hate it but the abruptness of the silence is just a distracting.

It crosses my mind to taunting, tease him about why he stopped but I don't want to lose the precious silence so I get back to work.


I close my eyes, willing myself to remember the Greek words Mr. Minos assigned us. Suddenly something hard whacks me in the back of the head. "Shut Up, Snow!" The words are powerful but aren't infused with magic so I'm safe for now. Still, pain blooms and something thuds to the floor. I turn around. Baz has a look on his face, I can't tell what it is exactly but I know it's mostly pissed off. The other thing is probably disgust. Baz can perfectly mage both expressions simultaneously. I notice his text book isn't anywhere near him. 

I almost say "Oh, so you're chucking books at me now. Come on and hit me yourself you coward." but he never would (Anathema) and for once I seem to have the sense not to start a fight I can't finish (or not without a bloody nose).

As I struggle with the greek I try to think of what I could've done then I cat myself about to start humming. Oh. I wonder why he hates it so much? I'm not that loud, am I?

BAZ'S P.O.V (That night)

He's doing it again. As he puts on his pyjamas. I don't even think he realises it. I can tell he's not doing it on purpose but I can't take it. The words just slip out, I cringe. They sounds almost like . . . begging. But Pitches don't beg.

"Please, just shut up."

He turns around, shirt only half on, a look of utter shock on his face. I hurry to save the situation.

"Cat Got Your Tongue?"

I watch for only a second to make sure he's lost his words then I leave the room trying to make my running away look like storming out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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