The Call

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It was possible that nothing terrible would happen to Alex. But until it did happen, Jaxx would make sure the doctors checked on him regularly. They probably hadn't even done it yet. Maybe they had forgotten. Or maybe the results were really bad. But Jaxx didn't care. Alex had been in many accidents before and Jaxx always got his hopes up. And today, he would not lose it. 

While Jaxx waited for the news he went back to his locker to do his homework. He felt very nervous. If Alex didn't wake up soon it was going to mean that he never would. And even if he did, Jaxx wasn't quite ready to move on from the incident. Not when he thought about Alex all alone in the hospital. 

Even though he didn't remember much of the incident, Jaxx could vividly recall the scene of the crash. He remembered feeling sick and weak afterward. The ambulance ride had passed in a blur. He was too busy panicking to think. 

The doctors had given him a mild sedative to help calm him down. It seemed like forever ago, but apparently, he had already gone through a period of denial about what had happened. All of this was happening now, and he couldn't seem to stop remembering it. But he couldn't let it get to him. 

He was going to be strong for Alex. That was all that mattered now. For now, he had other more pressing matters at hand, like surviving middle school. He still had to take his exams to graduate. And then he'd start high school. And after that, life would go on. He put his books away and left the library to head home. He wasn't feeling hungry right now, so he decided watch videos on his phone. It would be good for him anyway. Plus he wanted to stay alert for any updates on Alex. 

When he got home he microwaved a chicken Caesar salad and then started watching TV. It was almost six o'clock when he realized he had forgotten to eat. He ate half a chicken salad sandwich and went to bed early. He slept like a baby. In the morning he felt rested. He brushed his teeth and washed his face and changed into clothes. 

He felt okay, but something bothered him. He couldn't say exactly what it was, but he knew that there was something. Something was missing. He couldn't remember why. It was probably because he'd forgotten to pack his homework, which usually meant that he wasn't doing much studying. He'd have to try to get it tomorrow. 

He grabbed his phone and walked outside. He needed to hurry. Just walking around made him feel jittery. His hands kept twitching uncontrollably, and he was sweating profusely under his shirt. He was worried about Alex.

His brain wouldn't slow down for anything. His phone rang and vibrated as he hurried through the streets. He hoped it wouldn't ring too much. He was late enough as it was. When he finally arrived at school, he noticed that everyone else was already there. 

The halls were empty, although he could hear hushed murmuring voices echoing from somewhere nearby. He headed toward his classroom. his phone kept ringing. he picked up, and he was introduced to a voice telling him they don't know if Alex is going to make it

His eyes widened with shock, and he couldn't speak. The other voice said he should sit down. The class was quiet. A few kids in the front row whispered among themselves but none of them moved. A couple of kids glanced up briefly at his expression and then went back to whispering and looking back down at their notebooks. It seemed like they weren't going to talk to him either.

After a while, he heard someone clear his throat and he turned toward the sound. He saw two boys who had been sitting near him, but now they were standing and talking quietly together. One of them was looking at the floor.

"Do you want to sit?" the taller boy asked gently. 

"Thanks," Jaxx said hesitantly. "Um... what's your name?" he added shyly.

"Oh," he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm Ethan..." He trailed off, his expression shifting uncomfortably.

"Sorry I forgot your name. I guess everyone else has." Jaxx nodded and then went back to staring at the floor. Ethan didn't say anything after that.

Jaxx was glad they hadn't continued with whatever awkward silence they'd started, but suddenly he became aware of how uncomfortable he was. Ethan had obviously noticed that he was feeling tense and anxious but had decided not to mention it to make him feel better.

Suddenly, his phone rang and he sighed, disappointed. He hadn't thought to check his messages for fear that there would be something awful in them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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