Emotions remind us were human.

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-1 Year Ago-

You were the emotional type, you tried your best to hide it away from the rest of the world, to keep your mind focused on the mission, on the soldiers under your command. But after an expedition you would find an isolated spot, where no one would think to look, and break down.

This night was no different. It was the 34th expedition outside the wall, and the casualties were the highest yet. There was eleven of you in Erwin's Squad, and only three returned home. A blood bath.

While the others went to the showers in a failed attempt to wash the vile images out of their minds; you climbed to the roof.

Leaning your back against the chimney wall, you cursed yourself. You grew attached, a vital mistake. Almost all the members who joined the corps died against the Titans, it was just a race to see who was the first to go.

You felt a wave of restrained tears build up behind your eyes as you throw your hand over your mouth in a futile attempt to mute your cries.

Your body slid down the chimney, until your head hung between your legs.
Murmured curses broke through your tearless sighs, until you heard the sound of boots clicking along the tiled roof.

Instantaneously wiping tears from your blood stained cheeks, you raised your head to see a familiar silhouette sit beside you.

Erwin didn't say anything at first, just looked straight ahead. Your heavy breathing cutting through the silent night. Just when you thought you could compose yourself, his gaze fell straight onto your (e/c) eyes, his blue ones were gentle, a sense on unspoken understanding flowed through them which always seemed to put you at ease

"(F/n)" he whispered quietly as you fell into his arms, your walls crumbling.

Tears streamed down your face for what felt like an eternity, finding comfort in his arms as they clutched your shaking form.
But what you didn't know was with every passing second Erwin died a bit inside.

As you clung to his chest, his eyes would trail your features.

'Humanity's strongest solider....' he thought tighting his grip, an overwhelming need to protect you surged throughout his body, though he knew you were well capable.

You never spoke of that night after it happened, but your bond strengthen. He saw a side of you no one had seen before, and strangely you were glad for it. He knew all of you, and you trusted him to keep it safe.

Erwin Smith x Reader-Under the battle scars. (Aot)Where stories live. Discover now