Note to self: Never go drinking with Hanji

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Warning: sexual themes
(Takes place just before Erwin is promoted to Lance Corporal)
"(F/N)!!!!" Hanji screamed running up beside you as you walked to breakfast.
"HANJI!!" You mocked in return laughing as she swung an arm over your shoulder.
"We're going out tonight" she stated, eyes beaming.
You and Hanji had an undeniable, stereotypical best-friends-forever relationship. You two just clicked, she was crazy and accepting plus, you got each other's humour.
"Is that so" you reply turning a corner
"Yes, I've decided I need to drown my sorrows in alcohol and I've chosen you to be my accomplice"
"Who else would you chose?" You laugh heading into the mess hall.
She gave you a smirk and replied "Great see you at 8" she called running away down the hall.

You stood looking into your reflection, you wore a tight fitted dress and your hair down.
Though you would never admit it you loved to dress up, you spent every other day in uniform, your face looking weathered, it was a relief to see you still actually look descent.
"(F/n) open up" you hear Hanji bang on your door.
Grabbing your purse you opened the door "AHHH looking hot" she laughed as you two linked arms.

"DRINK DRINK DRINK" a small crowd which surrounded you and Hanji cheered as you took what felt like the hundredth shot.
"I'm out" you raise you hands in defeat
"Come on we were only getting started" Hanji yells, still somehow looking mildly sober.
"Don't listen to them sweetie, how about we get out if here" a mans voice who you probably should recognise if it weren't for all the alcohol, whispered in your ear.
Your head felt tipsy as you turned to look the man in the eyes "Run along now sweetie" you slurred waving him off. You looked over at the clock.
"Hanjiiiiiiii Darling I gotta go" you stand abruptly from your seat-the room spinning, wandering to stand behind the brunette.
"Ughh I suppose your right" she sighs rising from her seat.
You two wandered back to the barracks.
"Sie Sind das Essen und we Sind das jäger dadadada" you and Hanji sang dancing down the halls.
"GOD LETS GO OUT AND DRINK" you yelled swinging off Hanjis shoulder. 
"We were just out, Hell (f/n) I like you when your drunk" she laughs spinning down the hall.

Erwin rubbed his temples and looked at the clock.
He had just finished yet another pile of paperwork. His vision was becoming blurry, when his handwriting became illegible he decided it was best he turn in for the night.
He rose from his weathered velvet armchair and turned off his lights.
The air was warm and humid, flys buzzed over the candle lights and the world felt silent-asleep.
As he walked to his chambers he heard two familiar voices giggling and yelling down the halls.
Curious he followed the noises. 'Who would be up this late?'
He stopped suddenly when he saw two figures.
"Night Hanji"you called as Hanji shut her door.
He was taken aback by your attire. You looked.... breathtaking to his eyes.
Erwin looked at you as you span around in circles, talking lightly to yourself, looking confused to say the least, your bedroom was on the other side of the barracks.
He smiled at your slight dismay, you looked childish and endearing.
"You look a bit lost" Erwin laughed, turning you around to face him.
"And a bit drunk" he added taking in your demeanour.
"Whhaaaat??? I only had like-" you stop and think, counting on your fingers till you pass ten, you looked up at Erwin with wide eyes.
"Thought so" he said, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you stable "let's get you to bed".
You looked at him, a smile playing on your lips, you trailed your fingers lightly over his upper chest. "How about you come with me?" You murmured in his ears.
The warmth of your breath sent shivers through his body, quickly composing himself, he walked faster, basically dragging along your body.
"Is that a no?" You sang, trying to meet Erwins eyes.
"God you really are drunk aren't you?" He said, pushing any ideas outside his head.
When you two reached your door you walked your back against it.
"Mmmm" you moaned pulling Erwin in closer. "Come on, let's have some fun" you hung your arms around his neck, pressing your body close to his.
Erwins body stiffened, he wouldn't take advantage of you. "(F/n) your not thinking straight" he stated, but not fighting your touch.

Thinking straight? That's one thing you were defiantly not.

You let out a small laugh and moved your face closer, you ran your fingers through his blonde locks, you never noticed his scent before, it smelled musk and warm and in your intoxicated state it was something you wanted badly.
"I want you" you mewled into his ear, placing light kisses down his jawline. Your right hand running down his back.
Erwin stared deeply at your revealed skin, all those forgotten, unthinkable daydreams he had about moments like these....
It had been so long since he was Intimate with a women. He knew he should turn away, tell you to stop but in that moment he wanted your hands to wander his he needed it- if only for an instant.
"(F/n) this isn't funny..." He sighed, causing you to lift your face till it was only inches apart. You pupils were dilated, a blush due to the alcohol and Erwin's body was more than evident on your face.
You brushed his chapped lips with your soft ones, testing the waters.
"Don't" Erwin mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed slightly. He was as intoxicated as you were, just not with alcohol.
You raised you left leg, till it wrapped around his hips.
"Don't you want me?" You teased, your voice husked, which just turned him on even more.
Oh god you have no idea how much I do Erwin thought savouring the moment.
He knew that by tomorrow you wouldn't remember a thing of this- probably for the best.
Erwin took one last deep breath, calming himself.
"The things you do to me" were the last words he said before reluctantly slipping out of your warm embrace.
You clicked your tongue in defeat as Erwin turned and walked away from you, his fists clenched.

The morning light burned your eyes and your head was pounding. "Hanjiiiii" you moaned remembering only fragments of last night.
Throwing on a uniform you dragged your body to the mess hall. A hand covering your eyes trying to dim the light.
When you arrived you saw Erwin sitting alone at a table. You soon joined him, his blue eyes still glued to his document.
Without looking up he pushed over a cup of coffee.
"Thanks" you replied keeping your head down.
You were around half way down your cup of coffee until Hanji came jumping beside you.
"How the fuck are you not hungover" you sigh burying your head in your arms.
She just laughed in response before saying "Oh yeah (F/n), you might want to stay out of Flagons way he seemed pretty pissed at you"
You groaned "what did I do?"
"I dunno something about being called Sweetie"

*Flagon is the squad leader in No Regrets OVA

Did you like it? I dunno I liked it because it wasn't as serious as the other chapters idk :) please comment if you liked it and vote :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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