We've Got Half A Year Cadet.

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-3 years earlier-

'She was....spectacular' the speed, agility, the way she used her body to sway in and out of any obstacle in her way, then slicing the nape of the dummy Titans-clean and sharp.
Potential pumped through every vein in her body, and Erwin wanted it-along with several other squad leaders who also stared dumbfounded at the cadet fresh out of training.
But Erwin new one thing he needed you.

Your (e/c) eyes, (h/l)(h/c) hair, and pure beauty made you stand out from the sea of cadets that all stood crowded in the training grounds as he stood behind the commander of the Survey corps as he gave a harsh, but convincing reality check to all the cadets concerning joining the scouting legion.

While all the others quiverd in fear, your eyes were flooded with determination. He scanned the rest of your features, and couldn't manege to revert his gaze, so instead just watched you as you stood your ground.

After that night, Erwin returned to his general duties, but the image of you keept creeping into his mind. You were at the very least a severe distraction. He didn't even know your name for crying out loud but you took up more of his thoughts than anything.
Rumours circulated the survey corps of a (F/n)(L/n), a new cadet with outstanding potential, one of the best to ever graduate. He didn't pay much mind at first- things like this always circulated, but usually this protégé would be dead after their first expedition. Well he didn't think much off it until he saw who this cadet was.

"Erwin, as I keep telling you, this girl...she is ... someone who could kill more Titans then twenty of her classmates ever will in their combined lifetime." The Commander ran his fingers through his hair, he'd been in heated discussion with Erwin for almost an hour now and he didn't know how much longer he could last, he continued looking into the defiant Squad leaders eyes. "Erwin, she needs the best mentor possible, someone with experience"
Erwin spoke, his voice hard "Sir, with all due respect you know I'm better than half the other leaders out their, that's why you chose me to be a squad leader so soon in the first place. I can teach her, I'll make her into the best damn solider this regiment have ever seen if you just -"
"FINE" The commander yelled throwing his hands up into the air
"You win Erwin, but listen to me, you train her, by half a year I want to see a solider so great I'd recommend her for Commander myself you hear me?" His voice was low and face was only inches away from Erwin's.
"Yes sir" Erwin held back a smirk of victory as he left The Commanders office.

You just got the news about an 'Erwin Smith' being your new squad leader, and we're told to meet him in the training grounds right away.
Dusk had long settled in, and the warm summers air made your breathing heavy.
As you arrived you saw him with his back turned and jacket off.
Confused, you walked closer. "Captain?" You asked coming to a halt.
"(L/n) where did you place in hand-to-hand combat" he asked back still turned.
Taken aback by his sudden question you answered with caution "First sir"
"Good, (L/n) I'm going to be straight with you, I made a promise to the commander that I would make you into a better solider then myself."
Uncertain on how to respond, you walked around to face him.
Eyes meeting, you raised an eyebrow, as a smile played on the corner of The Squad Leaders lips.
"Fists up" he ordered getting into a fighting stance.
Obeying, you slid your jacket off and threw it to the side, raising your fists and moving onto the balls of your feet.
"We've got half a year cadet."

Erwin Smith x Reader-Under the battle scars. (Aot)Where stories live. Discover now