Chapter 2

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"What?!" I yelled, still shocked by what my mom had just said.

"I know right? It's such a great opportunity for you!" She smiled and put her hand on my dad's back, proud of what she did.

"Mom, you didn't even ask me! How were you even able to get me in?" I asked, starting to get furious. I can't believe she did this!

"Well, I knew you would want to join. You may not know this, but I used to know Belos when I was younger! I was able to convince him to let you stay at the Emperor's castle and work with his right-hand man!" She smiled.

"Hold on, so not only do I have to work in the Emperor's coven, but I also have to live in the castle?! Are you kidding me?!" I yell, standing up and slamming my hands on the table. I'm so ticked off now. My mom took notice of this and her happy expression turned a little stern.

"Don't give me that attitude Harper. You should be thankful I'm even trying to give you a good position in life!" She said sternly. I decided to shut my mouth before getting a huge talking.

"Sorry Mom, I won't do it again..." I mutter.

"Good. Now start packing, you'll be leaving tonight."


"Yes, tonight. Now go!" she points at the stairs, and I walk up them and enter my room. I grumble and complain to myself as I'm packing all of my clothes and things I would want to bring. After I finish I have two bags in my hands and I walk down the stairs. By the time I had finished, it was already about 6:00 PM and I had to get going now. I walk over to my mom.

"I finished packing," I mutter, still holding the bags.

"Alright, pretty soon there should be a special person coming to escort you to the castle!" My mom smiles. After a couple of minutes, there's a knock on the door. As my mom opens the door I sigh softly so no one could hear. Are you kidding me? I look and see The Goldern Guard holding his staff.

"Hi~" He said.

"Oh... so this was the 'special person'." I muttered under my breath, clearly mad that I had to come with him.

"Okay, well you should get going, Harper! Goodbye honey, make me proud!" My mom smiles and hugs me. While she's hugging me she whispers in my ear,

"Mess this up, and I'll make sure you can never go to Hexside to see that human friend of yours." I slowly nod and break the hug. I slowly wave to my mom goodbye and I walk out of the house, slamming my front door on my way out.

"Well someone doesn't look too happy." The Golden Guard says playfully.

"Let's just get to the castle." I say sternly, walking in front of him. He catches up and starts walking next to me. We got to the castle and I look around.

"Hm, there's a lot of gold," I whisper to myself. The Golden Guard escorts me to my room and leaves me alone. I quickly unpack and sit on the bed. I sigh and take my journal out. I write about everything that has happened today and how ticked off I am. This just isn't fair. I look at the time and realize that it's already 8:00 PM. I was very tired from all the packing so I lie down on the bed, and before I know it, I fall asleep.

Okay, so this chapter is kinda useless, sorry lol. I'm just really tired bc I just came back from ballet class and I kinda just made this so people didn't have to wait that long bc if you guys are like me you hate waiting for new chapters. Hopefully, the next chapter will be a bit more interesting, but for now, this is it. I hope you're at least enjoying how the story is going so far because I'm just making up the story as I write it down lol.

Btw who else is not mentally prepared for the last episode of toh to come out?


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