Chapter 3

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Jamari stole a glance at Sumiko as he continued toward Hyde Park. He really couldn't even fathom what he'd just heard, and he had no idea how to make it better. 'This is exactly what I get for not picking up an actual shift like I was asked to.' He thinks to himself .

Glancing at Sumiko, he noticed her eyes were glossed. Swallowing he too, a breath before speaking. "Not that it's any of my business, but from the small bit that I heard, I seriously applaud you for sticking up for your girl like that. You don't really see a lot of loyalty like that, especially today." He spoke sympathetically. When their eyes locked through his rearview mirror , Jamari looked forward and turned on the radio, a song he wasn't quite familiar with began playing as Sumiko spoke up. "Thanks, I guess. I mean I just don't get how she could do and say things like that. It's so messed up." She said, disappointed etched across her face.

"No I totally get it, friends like that never last. Especially if their views don't align. They tend to end like yours did honestly. Speaking from experience, don't let her back into your life. Even if she does try to apologize."

"Yeah I wasn't planning on it, I'd definitely end up fighting her if I did." "Would it be worth it though?" Jamari asked with an amused expression as he could feel Sumiko's mood begin to lighten. "Oh it absolutely would."

There was a brief and comfortable silence between the two before Sumiko looked up from her twiddling fingers. "Um, do you mind making an extra stop? I'll pay you." She asked as Jamari sucked in a breath. "Uh sure, why not. Where you headed?" He asked as Sumiko perked up with a smile. "Really?! Thank you! The place is literally right up the street from the house I'm going to, here's the address." She said as she leaned forward and handed him her phone. When their hands touched she felt her breath hitch in her throat for a moment. "Oh I know this place." Jamari mused as he gave Sumiko back her phone.

"Really?" She asked sitting back in the seat once more as Jamari nodded. "Yeah, my boy Jay goes there all the time. He actually lives in the area." He explained as Sumiko made a face of contentment.

"Huh, what are the odds of that?" She giggled as Jamari spoke up again. "Shoot they probably know each other." He joked as Sumi smiled. "Well if your friend is as sweet as your are, I'm hoping she does." That caused a sheepish smile to creep its way onto Jamari's face as he continued driving. "So about your friend Junni, the other girl called her religious?" "Yeah, Junni of all people. She's no where near it. Like she'll correct you if you're wrong about something but not like a 'you're going to hell.' Kind of way. It's more of a 'I understand what you're saying but it's actually this this and this.' Kind of way you know?" Sumiko asked as Jamari nodded.

"Yeah, like a gentle correction or teaching type of way." "Yes exactly like that!" Sumiko said her eyes widening in excitement since he found the words she was missing.

"What's her belief if you don't mind me asking?" "Hm? Oh- she's a Christian, we both are actually, but I clearly have some things I still need to learn." Sumi said with a smile. Jamari smiled fondly at the woman's candidacy. "Oh really!? I am too! We all have to learn new things everyday, this walk is a constant lesson." Jamari beamed causing Sumiko to do the same.

"You are? Oh my gosh, I love that for you," "Thank you, same to you. I was just curious because ol girl was calling her religious but, it didn't sound like it at all. She actually sounds like a good friend." Jamari stated with a quizzical look. He really couldn't speak much on a situation he didn't understand, but a religious person wouldn't even be friends with someone like her. That part is for sure. "Yeah, she is. She's my best friend and a really amazing one, but for some reason, the people she attracts aren't. I guess that's part of the reason why God brought us together though. I see what she can't, and she sees what I can't. That's my legit soul sister." Sumiko spoke with a fond smile as Jamari pulled into the parking lot of the store.

Jamari watched as Sumi got out and quickly made her way inside the little corner store. Once she was inside, he pursed his lips in thought, for some reason he wanted to know more about this woman and her friend too. 'What a creep.' "No, I'm not being a creep. I'm curious thank you very much." Jamari stated battling his thought aloud. It was the truth. He was extremely curious about them, there was something he couldn't quite put a finger on.

As Sumiko rushed out of the store, she quickly got back inside the car rubbing her exposed hands together with an exasperated sigh. "My gosh, it's so cold!" Which in turn caused Jamari to turn in his seat warmers without saying anything. "Oh and these are for you," she smiled , as Jamari turned his head to see , she placed two Reese's Cups on his arm rest.

"For me? Aw thanks," he chuckled as he grabbed the, and placed them in the passenger seat. "These are my favorite, how'd you know?" He asked with a playful grin as Sumiko scrunched her nose returning the playfulness but with a smirk. "Lucky guess." The two let out light laughter as Jamari exited the parking lot and began heading toward her destination.

It was only two minutes down the road, but it felt like two seconds since the two had been enjoying one another's time so much, as Jamari pulled into the driveway he sighed putting the car in park, "Alright madam, we've arrived at your destination. Thank you for choosing Jamari drivetimes, I hope you have a wonderful evening and an amazing year." That caused Sumiko to giggle as a flush crept up her cheeks. She quickly got out of the car and walked around to his side motioning for him to raise down the window.

As Jamari did so she handed him s $20 bill. "Oh, no the candy was more than enough thank you though, you keep it." He chuckled causing her to do the same. "No way, I promised I'd pay you, and besides you were the best Lyft driver I've ever had. So consider these three things as a gift." She smiled softly as he did the same. The two stared into each others eyes for a brief moment before a gust of bitter December wind snapped Sumiko out of her daze. She gave a short laugh, dropped the $20 in the window and took off toward the front door.

"Thank you! Have a good night!" She yelled once she got to the door. "You too!" Was all he could manage before she opened it and hastily went inside. Jamari rose his window up and sat for a moment thinking about the interaction. '3 things?' He wondered as he picked up the $20 to put it in his overhead compartment, though when he did he finally noticed the number scribbled across the bottom in pink ink.

"No way." Jamari laughed biting his bottom lip, with a now satisfied smile he put the $20 away and pulled out of the driveway.

The rest of that night seemed to be extremely lucky for him. Anytime he picked up someone and had to laugh at a wack joke, thinking of that pink ten did hit number made his smile seem more genuine.

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