Chapter 11

151 14 4


February  2023


Jay took one last glance at himself in the mirror before he exited his apartment and headed toward the train station.

He finally felt somewhat normal since what he now knows was a spiritual attack had subsided.

He still felt like himself but just...different. For the remainder of January, Jay didn't really speak to anyone besides an occasional update of his friends. He actually spent most of that time God, learning and relearning things.

It felt nice, and for the first time in a long time, he felt hopeful for the future.

Anytime he did go out throughout that month, it was mainly to the cafe Jamari had shown him earlier. There was just something about that atmosphere that made him feel safe, something he severely lacked in other places. It was so tranquil that he found himself not wanting to be anywhere else, though Jamari teased that it was because of the owner.

However, that wasn't the case being as she wouldn't particularly be there on the days he frequented. Or they'd just catch each other, as one was leaving the other arriving. Today he expects nothing different, he'd also found a book he'd never read before and was intrigued enough to want it, so he brought his own to take place of it.

As Jay entered into the cafe, he greeted the barista as he went to put his things down at his favorite table. Once he settled, he made his way back to the front to order what was becoming a usual.

"Would you like to try a muffin today?" The barista known as Victor asked with a polite smile. "Um, that depends. Were they made in house?" Jay asked as Victor smiled again.

"Of course they were, Junni makes all of our pastries and sweets herself." He informed as he began heating up the muffin for Jay. Once his drinks and muffin was finished he slid them both toward him.

"I never said yes." Jay chuckled as Victor shrugged. "You never said no either, come on it's on the house. I was actually told to give this to you the next time I saw you." Victor admitted pursing his lips. That caused Jay's smile to slightly turn downward as his interest peaked.

"What?" He asked with a small chuckle as Victor rose an eyebrow teasingly. "Yeah, Junni really likes seeing you- your business, she really appreciates your business, like you coming here you know?" Victor stumbled to try and cover up the mistake that Jay clearly caught.


"Yeah! Like she really appreciates the fact that you come here. So, this is for you- but if you don't want it, I can always take it back and tell her you weren't interested. I mean she'll be bummed but-" Victor began as he started to slide the plate toward himself stopping when Jay spoke.

"No- I, I'll take it. I just didn't think-"

"Didn't think what? She noticed you? Of course she did, she noticed you the first day she saw you." Victor revealed with a knowing smile as he walked away to assist another customer.

Jay watched him go before frowning ever so slightly, just to fight the smile that was trying to creep it's way through. Taking the muffin and the drink he made his way to his seat and paused when he saw an all too familiar face.

"Asha?" He called as he stood there staring down at the girl. "Jay? I knew this was your stuff, I'm so glad I was right!" She smiled standing up to give him a hug.

He swiftly dodged it as he set down his things, and followed suit, "Yep, this is my stuff..." he said tonelessly. Asha gave a curt smile before sitting back down. "Well, it's good to see you. I missed you." She said quietly as he rose an eyebrow and looked ahead.

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