Chapter 4

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Junni watches in delighted confusion as Sumiko presses her back to the front door with a grin etched across her face. " good?" Junni asked a slight downward smile on her lips as Sumiko pushed herself upward. "I'm amazing actually, I think I found the love of my life." She mused as she pulled off her coat and shoes and shiver them into the closet.

Junni giggled to herself as she watches her friend proceed to pull out a brown paper bag. "Now, let's get to work! I have the Moscato, you have literally everything else so I think we're ready." She says while making her way into the kitchen to find glasses,

As Sumi looked around, she felt a twinge of guilt settle in her stomach. The entire kitchen was basically packed except for a few dishes maybe. Sumiko was the only one actively helping but she knows Junni has done most of it on her own.

Now you're probably thinking, 'Why feel guilty? It's her apartment.' But if you'd constantly been told you'd get help only to receive it in the last moment, you'd understand.

Junni slowly moved the needle of her record player onto her vinyl and adjusted the volume as music began to play. When she turned around she was greeted with a glass of her favorite wine. "Thank you." She said with a smile as she took a small sip. "Alright so, mostly everything is packed up. I think really all that needs done is the living room and my bedroom, plus little knicknacks. But in all honesty, I'm giving away most of this stuff. I want a fresh start you know?"

Sumi nodded as she took small sips from her own glass. As she looked around the familiar living room her attention was caught by a painting she loved. "Wait you're giving this away!?" She gasped in disbelief. "Yeah, why not?" Junni asked blankly, "But this was the first painting you ever made when you moved to Chicago." Sumi whined as she approached the large canvas.

Junni shrugged her shoulders, "One of the first? True, but I want other people to see it also. That's why I decided to sell it to the Art Museum." "Art Mu-...You got in!?" Sumi squeals as Junni energy level shot up matching hers, "Yes! I found out literally right when I got home!"

With that being said, Sumi set the canvas down and rushed toward her best friend engulfing her in a hug. "Oh Junni, I'm so proud of you! We need more than just moscato for this." She laughed as Junni pulled away with a laugh of her own.

"Absolutely not, the last time I drank with you I almost had alcohol poisoning." She reminded as Sumiko sucks her teeth. "Girl, I told you not to drink the brown liquor and you didn't listen, knowing you don't drink brown!"  She defends as Junni laughed setting up a box and began to place items inside. "Yeah, yeah let's just get this done so we can chill." She chuckled. Junni didn't get alcohol poisoning though she believed she was very close. That night still haunts her from time to time.

The sound of John Coltrane filled the living room as a comfortable silence fell among the two girls. Soon they were done with the living room and hall way. Seeing as though most of it was in the give away boxes.

As Sumiko poured the last bit of Moscato into her glass a look of confusion crept its way onto Junni's face, "What?" Sumi asked as she gave her friend her glass. "I know it's been like 2 hours but where in the world is Asha? I just noticed she's been blowing my phone down for like the last 30 minutes." She reveals as her phone lit up with yet another message.

"Oh she didn't tell you? She went to Eric's after the party." "Did she now?" "Mhm, she didn't want to stop her night cause of your bad timimg." Sumi explained grimly. "My bad timing." Junni repeated quietly. "Yeah, I also may or may not have aired her dirty laundry out and told her I know everything she's done and said behind our backs." Sumi recalled as she turned her glass toward her mouth. All Junni could do was give an 'oh well' expression followed by a 'hmph.'

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