Chapter 1: Alive or dead

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Peeta's pov
My body still and motionless with my head hurting. As I wake up I realise I am on a hovercraft but my minds elsewhere, my heads spinning around with thoughts about katniss "where is she? Where could she be?". I get up but by my side is Beetee who is still unconscious after running into a force field. I make my way across the hovercraft trying to walk without making to much noise like I used to do in the games with katniss when she used to hunt, as I get closer to a door I hear muffled voices "he's going to lose it when he find out about her" to my disbelief it's Haymitch. "Yes but he will still cooperate" my mind instantly know it's Plutarch "just tell him he needs to know" said Finnick, I am confused, what do I need to know my head hurts even more from being so confused, I have had enough I need to know what is going on but somehow I think this news can't be good. I stumble through the door and get three pairs of eyes looking at me, as my mouth is just about to open when Haymitch speaks "Peeta I am going to explain everything about what's happening just don't ask any questions until I have finished do you understand?" I nod. Haymitch goes through the plan of the rebellion in district 13 which turns out not to be gone but is underground but still my mind comes back to katniss.
"Katniss" I whisper, my Heart beating fast
"Peeta johanna cut out your tracker so the capital couldn't track you but katniss still has her's in..." Said Haymitch
"Where is katniss?" I snap at him
"She got picked up by the capital along with Johanna" says Haymitch and finally drops he's gaze
Something snapped inside of me and I lunged across the table and punched him right in the face screaming and shouting at him because he lied to me because I was finally sure that I had her but now shes gone again and I will never get the old katniss back the one I fell in love with. I can't even begin to imagine the horrible thing the capital will do or are already doing to her now, I will never forget what Haymitch did and I will never cooperate with them. Half way through the outburst's of anger Finnick jabs my arm with something that make the whole world stop and go blurry, then I fall.

Katniss's Pov
I wake up with my head hurting but as I try to move I can't my hands and feet are tied down but I know where I am because the room is white and smells of blood, I am in the capital. I am so scared for myself I don't know what will happen to me but it can't be good.
Someone walks in with tools which I don't even dare to think about there purposes. "Good morning miss Everdeen you probably are wondering what you are doing here but first I have some questions to ask from President Snow, then I shall explain everything to you okay" the man said to me but I reply with a simple nod, I am scared for
my life because I know the questions will be about the rebels which I don't know anything about. "What is the rebels plans?" He asks sharply, my heart is pounding "I....don't know anything" I say as my heart beats even faster "miss Everdeen I think it's best if you don't lie otherwise things could get ugly" he suggests to me but it won't help because I am not lying "I swear I don't know" my voice is so rough and scared and he can tell, "fine have it your way" and grabs a needle full of bright blue liquid and sticks it right into my skin which sends a shooting pain up my arm them my whole body is Paralysed, I scream out in pain but I can't stop the tears from rolling out my eyes. When it's over the man unties the rope on my arms and legs and looks me in the eyes and speaks with the smell of blood on his breath "I suggest that you tell us everything tomorrow miss Everdeen or you have a lot of pain ahead of you" and walks out the room locking the door behind. I curl into a little ball and put the covers over me and cry my heart out and think about Peeta and I wish more than ever to have his arms round me and tell me that's okay and everything going to be alright but it never will be.

{completed} Somebody to die forWhere stories live. Discover now