Chapter 11: Found a clue

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New chapter had been realised^^. Sorry for make you wait and some reader was impatient for the new chapter. So, here there are.

Onto the story!


In the mansion

You woken up from unconcious, getting up slowly feels a little dizzy after the incident happen.

'Where am I?'

You look around that you didn't recognized and it wasn't your bedroom, but in the strange room. You then remembered.

'Wait?! If I'm in the different place, which mean.....I got kidnapped!'

You were in thought as you heard the door creaked opened and revealed a mafia boss. He was carrying a tray food with a small smiled to see you awake.

"Hey, darling. You're awake and I brought you some food." As he approached to you, you back away from him. He frowned.

"What's the matter, dear?"

"Who are you?! Where am I?! And why're you calling me 'darling'?!" You asked too many questioned and panic. He sighed, putting the tray food on the nightstand. Sitting beside you, not very closer.

"Ok, first of all, the name is Chuuya Yamini. You're in my mansion, Dark Mafia mansion. And I called you that because...." He hold your hand with a lovely look.

"I want to marry you, dear (Y/N)." He said, with an evil smirk on his face. You gave him a disgusted look.

"Excuse me, mister?! You don't even know me!! Why would I want to marry a mafia person like you?!" You said in harsh tone and somehow...scared because he was a mafia. His eyes darkened as he gripped your hand, you yelped in pain.

"Don't say that I'm a starnger to you!! You'll marry me, whether you like it or not!! Your my property, got that?!" You almost cry at his dangerous tone.

"N-No, p-please l-let me g-go. I-I don't w-want to m-marry you." You almost sobbed, he feels bad for talk to you like that. But he doesn't give a s*** about it.

"I don't care!! Begging won't work on me! Starting tonorrow, we will marry and be mine!" He loosened the grip from your hand as he walked out from the room, leaving you alone. You feel like you're in the nightmare.

"W-Why me?! Why would he want marry me? I-I don't like him." You said, try to calm from sobbing.

"S-Shu, someone.....please save me.."
In the apartment

Shu was stressing out after you've been kidnapped yesterday, he didn't hear any news about your disappearence. That make him worry sick.

And now, he was on the couch, waiting for the call if the police found something or found a clue where you kidnapped by a kidnapper.

'What a waste of time. Didn't heard a news about (Y/N). I better get eat something.'

As he was about to get up, his phone rang on the small table as Shu take it and saw Rantaro was calling him as he picked up.


"Hey, Mr. Kurenai. We found something at the dark alley. Only some grocery things and phone only." He said, Shu eyes went wided.

"Then, whose that things and phone?"

"Probably a person got kidnapped. Anyway, meet me at xxxx where I found it."

"Yeah, I'll be there." He hanged up the call as he went out and on his way to that location.
At the dark alley

As he soon arrived to the dark alley, he saw Sherrif and two random polices were surrounded the stuff that Rantaro found it.

Shu went to them and said,

"So, have you found something?" Rantaro look at him.

"Yes, other than the stuff, we found a pocket knife that had written on it and I believe it was belonged to that kidnapper."

He then showed the pocket knife to the albino. Shu took it and looo at the written. That word was 'Dark Mafia'. His eyes wided.

"I see something on that pocket knife." Rantaro burrowed his eye on him.

"What do you find?"

"That knife, it was belonh to Dark Mafia!" Rantaro went shocked to heard mafia was leave in this city.

"Dark Mafia, huh. They must be do something of (Y/N)."

"So, do you know where they live?" Rantaro gave him a nod.

"Yeah, if I correct, the Dadk Mafia mansion was live in Beigoma City. I'm sure of it. I heard this mafia were killing people with no mercy. But weird is that...they stop killing people." Shu was listening the information of Dark Mafia.

"If they stopped, but why they kidnapped (Y/N)?!" He asked in curious.

"I'm still not sure, Kurenai. For all I know, me and the polices will search that location and need a plan to save her. We'll start it tomorrow. Today, I'm gonna search Dark Mafia mansion." Shu nodded.

"Understood." Then, they left. Shu took (Y/N)'s groceries thing and your phone.

'Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll save you. Wait for me.'
In Dark Mafia's mansion

You were finishing eating the food that evil mafia boss gave it to you. Your clothes also change because he gave you an extra clothes to change.

After all it's done, Chuuya came in with an evil smiled.

"Ahh, you're done sweety. I'm came here to check on you and also....." he went closer to you and said in dark tone.

"Remember, you'll never escape. If you dare to escape from me, I'll punish you harsh and having making out with you." You gulped at his treat.

"I-I won't!" He smirked, patted your head.

"Good girl." He then leave you alone, again. You sat on the bed, tears fell down through your cheek.

'What am I going to do? I can't even escape from this dark place and tomorrow he force me to marry me.' You wiped the tears off.

'I hope Shu will find this place. My parents must be worried at me. It's been two days.' You calmed yourself, try not to be panic.


With Chuuya

"Did you bought a wedding dress for my future wife?" Chuuya asked to the maiden.

"Yes, boss. We've bought it like what you told." He smirked evilly.

"Good, put it at the guest room."

"Yes, boss." The maidens then went to the guest room for his wedding tomorrow.

"I can't wait to marry you, darling. You will be a great wife and having a our child in our future. Hahahahaha!!!!"


Done!! Ok, ok before I that, in America, Shu had informed to his assisstant, Lane Valhalla to handle for his work when he was gone, so he take a day off and thanks for helping from Lane.

So, there will be 2 chapters left before epilogue.

See you on the next chapter. さよなら!!

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