Chapter 10

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Stiles placed all his books on the table before sitting down next to his sister.

"What's the game plan? How are we gonna do this?"

"Well, to start off, we can be a study group if you want."

"You and me?"

"Sure. When I did summer school, it was just me and Lydia. We now have a new girl this semester in our group and it frees up my Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"In that case, how about 2 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then one hour for the rest of the week?"

Fionnuala stared at him in shock. "I'm okay with that. You're taking this seriously now, aren't you?"

"Well, you set high standards for yourself. I'm gonna do the same."

"Don't set the bar too high." She spread his books out. "Something that helps me is figuring out which subjects I need to focus on the most. All of the subjects are important. But which ones have a test or assignments due soon? It also helps if you keep a notebook set apart for writing down assignments and when they're due or tests and quizzes and when they'll be occurring."

Stiles nodded. "Except I don't have a spare notebook for that."

Fionnuala smiled. "Well, it's a good thing I always have a couple spare ones."

"How many assignments and tests are there? Should I be getting a couple spares?"

"No, Stiles. I keep these in my bag in case a student forgets their notebook."

"That's my little sister. Always looking out for others."

"Shut up." She gave him a shove. "Just be sure to stick to that."

"I will." He sighed. "School year has just begun and already I'm starting to feel overwhelmed."

"Does it have anything to do with Scott?"

"Yeah, partially."

"Well, take it one day at a time. And just hope that Scott doesn't mess anything up. And you don't try to mess anything up either."

"I'll do my best. Thanks again, Fi."

"No problem. I'm gonna head off to bed. You should probably do the same."

"I will. Night, Fi. Sleep well."

"You too, Stiles."

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